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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not even disagreeing that it’s discriminatory, but institutional/systemic racism is by definition at a high level. It affects individuals but the scope is much higher level. So it cannot be evidence of said racism against whites. That’s why people get argumentative about this. It’s hard for the white race to be simultaneously oppressed and enjoying the majority of global power, right?

    Going back to the imprisonment for weed example, that’s the kind of thing that could have real generational impact. You having to job search for an extra few weeks or months probably didn’t affect your grandchildren, right? The statistics for black men in prison for non violent crimes is shocking in the states.

  • How is that not systematic racism?

    The only reason Affirmative action is a thing is because whites are already overrepresented in the work force. If we’re talking about a race, how can this policy be institutional racism when the race that you claim it affects negatively is actually still overrepresented at all levels of power??

    Sucks for you, but you clearly got over it with ease. You weren’t imprisoned for an 8th of weed a cop stashed in your car at a traffic stop.

    Keep acting like your minor inconvenience is evidence of systemic white oppression tho.

    Fucking clowns on this site I swear.

  • Whoa, watch out with that logical thinking around here. As has been demonstrated by votes in a comment chain of mine further up the thread, the number of women at the top of the chess scene is totally indicative of womens’ intrinsic ability to play chess. It has nothing to do with the amount of women who play chess vs the amount of men who play chess! /s

    But yeah, it’s simple shit. If men outnumber women 100:1 in the competitive chess scene then obviously we expect women to be extremely under represented at the top. But misogynists gonna misogyny.