The continued erosion of legal abortion access across the U.S. South comes after Republican state lawmakers replaced the lone female on the court, Justice Kaye Hearn.

Writing for the new majority, Justice John Kittredge acknowledged that the 2023 law infringes on “a woman’s right of privacy and bodily autonomy,” but said the state legislature reasonably determined this time around that those interests don’t outweigh “the interest of the unborn child to live.”

    10 months ago

    Honestly, the only right thing to do after the civil war was to murder all the southern secessionists and give all of their wealth and land to the slaves.

    The only reason we have this special brand of conservatism in the United States is because we agreed to be buddy-buddy with extreme racists over repairing our relationship with the slaves.

    The south, and by extension the Republicans who give it power, is a cultural cancer on the world that needs to be stomped out forever.