This is reported by Lamatiel on Discord.

Using the external lore file (lore book) doesn’t properly get saved/used. The manual lore input works just fine.

Here are some fixes that I made in this copy of the page

  • Line 7777 @ HTML Panel - m.text to m.text.split('\n').join('\n\n') to have proper empty lines per lore entry on the textarea display.
  • Line 7783 @ HTML Panel - e.text to e.text.split('\n').join('\n\n'), same reason as above, so even without reloading the URLs the formatting would be good.
  • Added let newLoreBookEntries = result.loreBookUrlEntriesText.replace(/\r/g, "").split(/\n{2,}/).map(e => e.trim()).filter(e => e); after Line 7790 @ HTML Panel to parse the lore from the lorebook URL files.
  • Added newLoreEntries = newLoreEntries.concat(newLoreBookEntries) to combine the lore from manual entry and lorebook URL entries, added after the previous line.
  • Line 7816 @ HTML Panel - originalLoreEntriesText !== result.loreEntriesText to originalLoreEntriesText !== newLoreEntries.join("\n\n"), this would compare the new lore entries to the original one better since the old comparison only compares the manual lore entries.

Some notes:

  • Upon saving the character after writing the lorebook URLs on the Character Edit, the lore doesn’t apply immediately. We need to go to /lore, show the character specific lore, then reload the URLs, then save, for the lorebook URLs to apply.
  • Removing the lorebook URLs doesn’t remove the lore from that URL from the current lore list, we need to manually remove it.