• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I’ve been working on upgrading the model behind the ai text plugin recently, so I might have introduced a bug somehow. If you’re using perchance.org/ai-chat can you click the “share” button to generate a share URL and DM it to me? No worries if it’s not something you can share. In that case, there are a few questions which might help me guess what the problem could be:

    1. Has it happened for just one chat? Or multiple separate chats do the same thing? (i.e. get slower and then stop replying)
    2. Is the chat in English, or another language? (this can sometimes affect the “tokenizer” - technical stuff)
    3. Have you had the tab open for a while? Can you try refreshing the tab and see if the issue persists?
    4. If you have access to another internet connection, can you try switching to that connection?
    5. Does it completely stop replying, or just much lower chance of replying? And if you leave it for e.g. 1 hour and come back, does it work for a little while, or still not works with that same chat?
    6. When you refresh the page, did you see any errors when you try to generate the first image? E.g. about a tokenizer not loading properly, or something?
    7. When the bot doesn’t reply, do you see any errors? And if no errors, then how long does it take to reply? i.e. 10 seconds ish or closer to e.g. 60 seconds until you can click the “send message” button again
    8. If you temporarily scroll up and delete the most recent half of your chat, does it start working again?
    9. Which device and browser are you using? E.g. “Android Chrome”
    10. How many words is your story/chat? You can copy paste it into an online word count tool to check.

  • When it works on your mobile, are you connected to your home wifi, or using mobile data? That’ll tell us whether it’s caused by your router or something on your PC. If it works on your mobile when you’re connected to the same internet as your PC, then as Edward suggested, it seems like it might have something to do with DNS (since you mentioned switching browsers didn’t help, and I assume using incognito doesn’t either), or some other PC networking settings.

    seems like my PC as a whole is being blocked

    Note that you’re not being “blocked” here - it’s an error with the request/response. E.g. router or computer is adding weird headers to the request, or DNS stuff is broken, or something weird like that.

    Another thing that might be worth trying is creating a new guest login account on your PC (i.e. go into OS settings, add a new user account, then login to that account) and testing from there. And if that still doesn’t work, and you’re willing to get your hands dirty, then you could create a bootable USB so you have a fresh installation of your OS. And if that doesn’t work, then it’s almost certainly something to do with your router/wifi. One thing to test before going to the trouble of doing that is to hotspot your phone’s mobile data connection to your PC if possible - and if it works, then your wifi/router is the cause.

  • Thanks for that! So the problem is that the anti-bot verification is failing. Next step is to work out why. Can you show screenshots of the console in Guest mode? i.e. click the profile pic in the top-right of a normal chrome window (next to the 3 vertical dots) and click “Guest”. This will open a browsing session with all Chrome extensions disabled. Then open the console and see if you get the same “Cloudflare Turnstile” errors. Screenshot the logs you see there.

    Also, some questions:

    1. Is there anything unusual about your internet connection? Or is it just a regular home ISP? Or business connection? etc.
    2. If you visit https://ip-api.com/ and scroll down to the data on your ISP, does it say this at the bottom:
        "mobile": false,
        "proxy": false,
        "hosting": false

    I.e. are they all false, or is there a true value?

  • Hmm, I think I misunderstood some stuff with my earlier comments. With the caveat that this is frying my brain a little, I think there are cases that this change would break - e.g. https://perchance.org/bm1vp6py5a#edit Try swapping the plugin import to see the behavior change.

    If it turns out it isn’t really possible to fix this issue, then it may be time for me to make a new plugin which fixes this issue and some others, and perhaps introduces some handy features that people tend to need. Let me know if you have any requests in that department - e.g. everything gets fixed by default, but if a property name begins with * (or something), like *foo, then character.foo would be a random property, instead of being fixed/resolved. And another thing I think is to call evaluateItem after selectOne if the selected item has no children. Not sure though - would definitely need feedback on this from people who use the plugin extensively.

    Another alternative is to just add an extra “mode” to create-instance-plugin (like the existing "deep" one), which fixes all the issues and makes everything intuitive, but that might make it a bit more complicated and cumbersome, since the behavior would vary so much, which could be confusing to newbies.

  • Hmm, yeah this has been asked for before, and the reason I haven’t done it yet is because it would make it easier for people to impersonate others. I.e. set their nickname to the same, and set their color to the same, and then rely on people not noticing that the letters are different. This might not trick many people, but it would make it more annoying since there’s a lower chance of at-a-glance check being correct.

    Ideally I’d replace the letters with a dingbat font or something so there’s more visual distinction between the tags. Also now that usernames are a thing, this potentially makes the impersonation issue less relevant. I’m still a bit indecisive on this one though…

  • Hmm. Thinking about this more, I’m really reluctant to do this in case it breaks old generators - even though it’s hard to imagine someone relying on this ‘bug’ on purpose. So what I might do instead is expose a new window.generatorLastEditTime variable (like window.generatorName and window.generatorPublicId), and only enable the new behavior if the last save time of the generator is newer than today. So if people are still actively working on their generator now then they’ll get the new behavior, and if it does break something they’ll be able to notice and fix it. But for old generators, they get to keep the old behavior until the author comes back to it and makes an edit.

    I think that strikes a good balance here. What do you think?

  • Thanks for this! I was just looking into it, and I noticed this comment at the bottom of the code in create-instance-plugin:

    // Important counter-intuitive thing to take note of: https://www.reddit.com/r/perchance/comments/nh31xq/the_best_hack_for_methods_in_list_instances/gz0rebt
    // the "deep" option of the createInstance plugin is kinda messed up. I should warn people that the [child] list should ONLY have properties - no sub-lists. That basically solves everything, but it's a bit annoying in many cases. Ideally I'd have only called selectOne on a list if it has no properties (i.e. with equals sign). If it has properties it should be treated just as part of the hierarchical blueprint, and those sub-items should get fixed, rather than having selectOne called on it.
    // I basically need a new plugin. createInstance2 = {import:create-instance-2-plugin}
    // That's the ideal solution here.
    // https://perchance.org/hiad2okk9w

    Which, IIUC, is exactly what you’re talking about here.

    So I was reluctant to make that change back then due to potentially breaking peoples’ generators. With the number of generators that use this, it’s possible that people are “using” this ~bug. On the other hand, it is hard to see why someone would use “deep”, and not want the deep properties fixed. It does seem like the current behavior would be causing more pain to people trying to use it right now than the pain caused by breaking old generators that actually wanted random sub-sub-properties even though they used the “deep” mode.

    I.e. seems like the generator would already have to be “buggy” for this change to cause any issues. Hmm. Yeah, on balance this does seem like it should be categorized as a bug, and fixed. The lower-level lists should be treated just like the upper-level lists - intuitively, that’s exactly what is meant by “deep”. Thoughts?

  • Thanks for reporting this issue! It’s working fine for me in Chrome, so it might be related to a Chrome extension that you have, or some other issue specific to your machine. If you click your profile pic in chrome in the top-right, and then click “Guest” it’ll open up a browser window without any Chrome extensions enabled. See if it works in that window.

    Also, in normal browsing mode (i.e. not Guest), can you please press Ctrl+Shift+J while on that page, and see if there are any red messages in the console that appear after a few seconds? Please screenshot if possible.