• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I have a whiteboard in my kitchen. Amongst other things, on it I keep a list of perishable foods that we have on hand. When I am trying to figure out what I am going to cook, I can look at the list and not have to think about every ingredient I own, And only focus on things that will go off soon. I usually don’t include the common items we tend to go through often.

    Sometimes I also include leftovers that need to be finished, and unusual ingredients I bought impulsively because I thought I wanted to try making something new but than lost focus/motivation to actually make something with them.

    It’s not a great system, but it helps me waste less.

  • Last time I was in TX, one of my favorite food trucks had a sign that said “no longer excepting cash payments”. I laughed at the grammatical error, but was still a little sad about losing the option to pay with real money. It wasn’t hipster at all, but I guess the clientele was.

    Anyway, yes. I see your point but a lot of places realize they have to get modern or fail. It makes me sad to think about.

  • Find a purpose that motivates you. For some people that is exploring, for others it is expressing themselves creatively, or helping people, or fighting for a cause you believe in, or trying to make the perfect baked potato.

    I don’t know your specific limitations. Perhaps there is motivation in overcoming them, or helping others so they won’t have them too?

    You were a little sparse with details, and I trust you have your reasons. Depending on this situation this advice could be pretty insensitive. My goal is not to offend or upset. I hope I haven’t.

  • We just adopted a dog, and my 6yo son wanted to hold the leash on a walk. I told him if he wants to hold the leash than he is responsible for picking up the poo if he makes any. The dog pooped, my son grumped about having to pick it up, and was all “why do I have to do it?”.

    Points for him, he powered through and picked it up. About a minute later he said to me “actually dad, I kinda liked picking it up!”. Now he wants to pick up the poo every time even if he isn’t the one holding the leash.

    Such a weird kid.