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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I disagree. What made Reddit for me is that there were so many people on it, than any niche hobby had it’s own space.

    Sure the main big subreddits were shit shows, but the hobby subreddits were great! Something that still isn’t a thing for Lemmy. Specialization.

    I still find myself checking Reddit out for subreddits on specific niche games for example.

    Like there is literally a subreddit for almost anything. Robot vacuums. Sins of a Solar Empire. Crusader kings. Fish tanks. MotoGP.

    Things that probably will take a while to get running on Lemmy.

    Right now Lemmy is too “general” for me to really have a feed of things I actually care about.

  • Well, these people don’t see watches the same way you do, and that is ok.

    I only own a couple of watches, not really a collector, but I do like watches. I love em from the sheer fact that they are purely mechanical items. I like looking at the craftsmanship, and ofc how they look.

    Like car people (who aren’t brand shills), love the cars themselves. What they represent, what they can do, what noises they make. How it feels while driving. Of course if you’re not interested in any of that you won’t be seeing eye to eye.

    Plus, who am I to say what should make other people happy when it isn’t harming anyone? Someone liking a watch doesn’t do anything for the people around em.

  • You’re right, it is a controversial and uninformed take ;)

    AngularJS was awful. It was clunky, relatively slow, and wasn’t intuitive to use. It wasn’t until Angular (2) where they started gaining back some good will. Vue wasn’t very popular back then.

    React came in with one of the easiest flows you could pick up. Prototyping with React is a breeze. The flow of data makes sense. It is intuitive for a non web developer to use. It was 100% better than AngularJS for the vast majority of things that people needed for it.

    Where React falls apart is when you are scaling up with systems that are firing many events at once. It just has no good way of dealing with the amount of re renders. But for small projects and prototypes? Yea, it’s great.

    I’m a Software Dev, and I’ve used React for a couple of years now. Using Angular atm though lol.

    I get the hate boner for Meta, I have one myself. But Meta maintains the React codebase, you’re really selling them short in that aspect.