On a mission to find the most sustainable life style.

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2022


  • but people can and do change their attitudes and habits with the right incentives.

    I don’t think they do, because they have no idea what it means to borrow something.

    Nowadays nothing gets borrowed, no music, no movies, no video games. They all have services to buy it (even if they don’t own the bought stuff) or to stream it for “free”. There is not even a small thing people borrow nowadays, except of pencils in school. But to be honest, those who borrow something like a pencil nowadays, don’t bring it back.

    When was the last time someone (not a family member or really close person) borrowed something from you?

  • I think it will be too stressful for people to take care of stuff and it’s much easier to buy something new, which they own and can throw away.

    And I don’t even think saving money is a good argument for todays people, because many people throw out a lot of money and have debts.

    I wish this system would work like mentioned, but this is something, which could have worked in the 90s, but there is not the right mindset nowadays.

  • Wouldn’t this be a bad idea, because nowadays many people don’t have a healthy relationship to items. They live in a disposal world, where everything has to be thrown away and bought new.

    I barely know people who are actually care for items, they don’t even cleaned their smartphones once in their life (or barely), they just buy a new one.

    People with a mindset like this will break/damage the items they’ve lend.