Pallas | 29 | #Argentina | #Vegan | Disabled | Fat | #Transoutherine + clusterouther & anderflor | #Aplatonic and plato-averse | #Gay (Similo) | Grey-orchid in a non-platonic way and queering all types of attraction

#ClassicalMusic, #ClassicLiterature, #VisualKei, #Astronomy #Linguistics

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Not only is PixelFed not a competitor in terms of users, but the dev is desperate to cooperate and welcome Meta to the Fediverse. So it doesn’t represent any kind of threat for the company’s goals, at least at the moment.

    See how quick he was in defending meta after they came with the bug excuse and how quickly he’s adding threads to the fediverse datebase to the point that the clone of Zuckerberg’s account that cannot even fully interact yet is called “the most popular fediverse account”

  • I think part of the issue with Ello was that they sell themselves as non-corporative social media while maintaining two of the most important characteristics of corporative social media:

    • Centralisation and lack of federation
    • Being closed-source

    The story would have gone completely different if they

    • Had made it open-source allowing users to contribute to the project, both as devs and through donations.

    • Added decentralisation and federation, allowing others to make their own Ello servers. This could have taken a lot of weight (financial and otherwise) from the developers/founders. Users cost money. Dividing the user base within different servers, pay by and moderated by different people means dividing the costs.

  • Last year hasn’t been a good year for me, to be fair. I’ve been having some health problems (luckily I’m on medical treatment and it’s nothing serious)

    I don’t expect much from this year, but I hope to be able to do more things (and be once again active in the fediverse) now that my health issues are more controlled.

    New year celebrations were alright. I expend it with the family.

  • I’m gonna say this only once, but that’s an incredibly rude thing to say. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt in my previous reply but it’s obvious now that you’re just treating me like an idiot.

    Yeah, because you haven’t been rude from the beginning (you were)

    People (including me) explained to you how you could have reached the admins and stay in touch so this kind of thing wouldn’t take you by surprise. When you had been explained several times this things and you keep insisting you don’t have any option because “you couldn’t google it”, one has to begin to think that you’re doing this in bad faith.

  • Considering the responses to the thread, I don’t think that’s true.

    Given that you aren’t in any of the groups, nor following their mastodon account. I don’t think what you think based on the responses on a sole thread has any merit

    A lot of people, myself included, are still getting used to Lemmy. The status quo has been if stuff was happening to Reddit there was an easily accessible server status page you could search up. I tried to do the same this time around and Google came up with diddly-squat. I don’t think googling Beehaw to figure out what’s going on is that illogical of a response.

    Every time you open Beehaw (or any Lemmy instance for the matter) on the right side you’ll find the description of the server below the “trending communities” box. There the admins put important links, including the three alternative ways to reach them (Mastodon, Matrix and Discord). You didn’t have to google anything, it was just taking a look the main page of the server, see the section titled “Beehaw” and read it (Something that could have been done any time the server was up)

  • You could have checked it before and follow their Mastodon-style account and join their matrix and/or discord groups, like most of us did.

    Because everything they do server-wise is announced in those places, preemptive shutdowns included.

    Alternative ways to reach the admin team and to be kept aware of anything happening with the server exist. If you didn’t take the time (seconds) to join at least one of them, that’s not the server’s owners fault.