Cruising the #threadiverse. Let’s seed more resilient communities

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I’m a lefty that does appreciate debate in certain contexts, which seems to be somewhat unpopular nowadays. There would be no benefit in having a debate here except maybe in a very, very, very, very, very, very contextual, academic forum of a thought experiment (and I’m highly skeptical of even that, as you would have to presuppose some truly monstrous things).
    Desantis is not going to be in that forum. He’s going to platform KKK rhetoric used as a justification for slavery for nearly a century after its abolition. His staffers are quite literally Nazis. The ethics of chattel slavery are very clear cut, similarly to how the ethics of sexual abuse are clear cut: for all but an infinitesimal section of people, the only people advocating for them are monstrous, disgusting bigots.

  • I wish there was a way to have responsible news sponsorship without having this annoying ass article limit system or web 3.0 crypto nonsense.

    (I nearly flinched when writing that last sentence because I still have PTSD from Twitter summoning the Hordes if you so much as mention that c-word.)