Just your age ol’ ex-Reddit lurker… who also likes nuggets :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I can see where you’re coming from and I agree at times it feels like it’s being used for the marketing since it’s easier to say, using the article as an example, “Bullfrog-like”. They could have taken an extra moment to be a bit more descriptive, such as with your example, and say “Management Sim inspired by Theme Hospital/Bullfrog”, for people who may not be familiar with “Theme Hospital” or a Bullfrog game.

    Just to circle back to your initial comment, “I got to the word “Bullfroglike” and stopped reading”, I can definitely see where you are coming from, but I did disagree with your approach.

    I also just wanted to add that I hope this isn’t taken as an attack upon yourself.

    I do like the alliteration for “Boomer Shooter” but I don’t think it’s the right demographic xD. I think it’s still somewhat common, but I also don’t think it’s as mainstream as say your Battlefield or CoD.

    RetroSlayer FPS? I have no idea, lol

  • I do take your point and it’s a fair criticism. It can almost feel like a marketing ploy to piggyback off of the popularity of another game, such as Stardew Valley-like, considering a lot of the time those games have since developed a genre, like for FPS instead of Doom-like.

    I would also add, though, that using Doom-like/Doom-lite would still be appropriate to define games that are closer to a Doom type game than your CoD or Counter Strike. You could make a similar argument for the style of play Stardew Valley offers compared to literally Farming Simulator 20XX.

    But you could also argue it gives the reader/consumer a quicker understanding of what to expect from the game. Especially in the case of this article where there isn’t a way to clearly define/ label what to excpet from the game.

  • Cedric was also supposed to be a good leader and role model for the team. One of the leaders in the club.

    Felt like a player who just put his head down and did what he was asked, and as you mentioned, doesn’t look for the drama or attention.

    Like a lot of previous players who copped stick, Holding, Xhaka (before his redemption arc), people are looking for something to blame and I think Cedric was a convenient scapegoat.

    Not a player to push us further forward, but he played a role in other seasons when needed.

  • Sounds like they are trying to bog down the 115 investigation…

    Also, their claims are clearly to keep the money mill churning. 1 club support them as well. Wonder who that could be… 🤔

    I want them to be hit so hard that they can no longer exist. Then, in a few years time, a new Manchester City team is formed by locals, called Manchester Citizens or something, because the Manchester City name is still tied up in legalities or something, and they live out the rest of their soulless days in the national league reliving the time their “good ol’” soulless club won a record 4 titles in a row and they won’t shut up about it or how harshly they were punished. And they will tell anyone who will listen it was a conspiracy against the club and how hard done by their poor soulless club was, and they will point fingers at every other club and say “what about them??” and proudly ignore any wrong doing their shitty soulless club committed.

    I’m not bitter or anything.

  • I think we got lucky with Arteta. This potentially could have been us with a revolving door of managers.

    I do think we are run better overall, but who knows what rash decisions the club makes if the team aren’t performing to the standards expected.

    McKenna is apparently linked with them. I hope he doesn’t take it if that is the case. But he’s probably going to get a much better contract if he dies.