Started playing magic with Portal and Mirage. Currently play historic and looking to get into Modern.

  • 73 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think The One Ring has been slipping under the radar with all the focus on Nadu. Nadu is definitely a problem but The One Ring is being run in nearly every other deck and I just cannot see how this is a good thing for any format. If aggro, midrange, combo, and control are all running the same card I think that’s a clear sign the card is not only too strong, but too easy to run as well.

    There just aren’t any downsides, not even color pips, to prevent auto-including it and the upside is to high that it’s often the right decision to just run 4 of them. I saw a number of games in PT MH3 where the game was almost over but the player behind casts TOR and then ends up winning from the card advantage it generated.

  • I totally agree. In this video one of the guys basically says whenever he sees a turn 1 Grief->Reanimate->Grief or an Initiative creature he just scoops and decides its not worth playing that game. I get that this on the extreme side, but when you have players activity deciding to just scoop instead of playing out a game, because of how mentally exasperating it is, I wonder what the f- are we even doing! This is a GAME. This screams to me local/community ban list. I were running a store and trying to get people to come out, I would just manage my own banlist, but a community created one would go the furthest I think.

  • I don’t play Legacy but I’ve always been a big fan of the format. It’s very interesting to hear their thoughts on how negatively impactful Grief has been for the format. I think it’s frustrating but expected that Wizards delays banning a card from the current active set that they’re promoting. They haven’t even shipped out Gift Bundles yet (July) so to ban a card from the set before people even receive the product is definitely never happening.

    I do think that Grief creates non-games, and I think non-games are truly antithetical to “fun” and fun should be the #1 concern for every game in existence. The fact that they’re not banning it means they care more about money than fun.

  • I agree with every single one of these picks. I haven’t played a ton of Commander, but whenever I do I’m really turned off by commanders with salty/toxic abilities or ones that have doubling or copying effects. It’s not because I think they’re too strong, but it’s because they’re negatively fun, like a fun dampener. Copying/doubling effects can be fine but baked into the commander makes every single thing become so much more complicated, with so much more state to manage.

    The most unfun commander games and people I’ve played with are the ones who take 100 actions per turn, dominating the game time with their turn decisions and actions. The least fun I have is when 80% of the game is spent on one player masturbating in front of the other 3. I seek out games now that are with lower powered or thematic commanders only. I understand I could be in the minority with this, and it’s coming from someone who can’t wrap their head around how or why CEDH exists. I feel like Commander is the format for having fun above literally everything else, and when anything at all prevents fun in any way I just feel like it should go to any of the 10s of competitive formats or events.

  • I think they have to be doing some player-skill-based matchmaking in those queues. I think it would just be really un-fun if they didn’t, and I’d bet Arena is optimizing for player hours over anything else. Nothing ends an Arena session like getting dunked on multiple games in a row in a ranked queue lol.

    I’d bet that each format – Standard, Explorer, Alchemy, etc. – has its own set of weights.

    I never thought about that but I’d bet you’re right and I’d hope they’re getting updated a lot more regularly than the Brawl ones.

  • I also think most of the frustration was due to the improper weighting on cards. I think that indicated to people that they don’t give a shit enough to keep them current or perhaps they don’t have the resources to, both of which are bad news for players.

    For me, the best change they could make would be to display the MMR/Deck Strength numbers everywhere in matches. The way you can see the Elo in all chess matches I think helps people understand why they’re matched up against their opponent. Having everything in the dark makes people come up with conspiracy theories.