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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Sure. Not sure how that’s relevant though?

    In general, finding an exploit requires looking for little tiny details that could exist in, really, any area of a given system; looking for a bug, and then exploiting that bug by understanding how input data can be used to create a deterministic chain of events.

    This almost always requires thinking outside of the box.

    There are people who are also paid to find these before malicious actors do.

    It’s always going to be creative in some way, at least in the beginning.

    It’s like when people first discover Quake’s fast inverse square root. Sure, the first time around it seems genius. In reality, code like that is actually everywhere, and there is a somewhat trivial aspect to optimizing those kinds of problems.

  • Those on Meta would then go “Huh, Lemmy?” and look into it. It’s essentially free passive advertising by any Lemmy user.

    Lemmy is growing to the point where, for more than a week, a lot of adjustments had to be made to various instances to handle the scale.

    I’m not against it growing more by any means, but I think it’s worth recognizing that, as Meta enters the Fediverse, it’s not going to stop with Threads. Eventually it will likely find better ways to interact with Lemmy, Matrix, etc.

    A common theme at the moment is that we have communities sharing a same content category, but each community is spread throughout different instances. An example is the different general programming communities.

    It’s possible - perhaps even likely - that, eventually, most of the communities for a given category will fade out, and people will naturally converge toward one instance for a given category.

    There is the chance that Meta becomes an instance for many of these. What happens from there is that Meta has ownership over these communities.

    Yall seem to be purposefully ignoring reality to throw a tantrum over something that hasn’t even happened yet. The fact you’re all immediately screaming to block them before anything has happened is pathetically isolationist. That behavior will eventually carry over to how new users are treated and Lemmy will rot like Voat did.

    Your mention of Voat is the first I’ve ever heard of it.

    Anyway, not all of us are “screaming”. Personally, I’m bordering on indifference - I don’t have much control over it.

    That said, assuming people actually want freedom from corporate ownership, I haven’t seen an argument that makes a valid case for federating with Meta.

    Federation with Meta is not necessarily mutually exclusive with this, but it’s thin ice. And history has shown time and time again with the Internet that this is the case.

    Of course, there are some good things that come from that kind of integration - irrespective of user adoption; it’s not all bad.

    Edit: Too many of you are taking your reddit garbage over here. This isn’t the same site. But nah, you’re just gonna instantly downvote anything you disagree with while not engaging remotely because you can’t offer up a convincing argument. Especially when the question answered.

    I’m not downvoting you, but it’s clear you’re frustrated. I’m not a huge fan of Reddit’s group think, either, so I understand.