• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • I will feel the person’s anger more and more strongly as the distance between us decreases. The person doesn’t need to outwardly show any sign of anger for me to feel it - they can appear perfectly calm but if they are angry, I’ll feel it.

    When I interact with people, I don’t try to put myself in their shoes. I’ve known for many years that I can sense other people’s strong emotions, so I mostly focus my awareness on how I’m feeling and use that as a sense. If how I’m feeling changes spontaneously (not caused by my mental focus, thoughts, or reaction) when I’m interacting with someone, I’ll know that I’m sensing something from the other person.

    My experience of other people’s anger is different from when I feel angry. I experience other people’s anger as a very uncomfortable sensation my abdomen and solar plexus. It’s similar to when I feel angry but I’m more detached and I’m observing the uncomfortable sensation, which is mostly localized to my solar plexus. When I’m angry, my thoughts and emotions are fully engaged, my anger has a direction, and I feel it fully in my body. Like, “I’m experiencing anger vs I’m angry.”

    When I experience someone else’s anger, it’s not directed at the object of their anger - it’s just a sensation.

    So if someone is angry at me, I don’t feel angry at myself - I just feel their anger being directed at me

    The way I believe it works is through resonance. Have a look at this video that illustrates it with wine glasses: https://youtu.be/lTl0badhh8Y

    People are like wine glasses that vibrate how they are feeling and if someone is capable of resonating with them, they begin to feel it too.

    If my baseline feeling is far from anger (I’m feeling a strong positive emotion), I’ll feel other people’s negative emotions less, or not at all.

  • The post was mostly aimed at [email protected], but hearing what the community wants might help them to decide as well.

    My vote would be for a broader definition.

    • Less headaches for mods, since they wouldn’t have to worry about users who unknowingly post non-genre music. Also, it isn’t always easy to know if a song belongs in the genre.
    • Users wouldn’t have to worry about whether a song they have in mind fits, making participating easier and less stressful.
    • I think it would appeal to more people, since (I assume) most people would visit the community having a broad/descriptive definition in mind, leading to more community growth.
    • There’s far more music that can be shared, leading to more diversity in the posted music.