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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I can see why you would want to keep invitations paper. Gives you a little bit of distance from the other parents. My kid comes home with one and I get to decide if this is something we are going to do instead of someone I really don’t know just getting my contact information and sending me an unsolicited invitation.

    Would you feel comfortable with people just handing out your email address or phone number with the intent to push you into some social obligation?

  • OEMs. The documentation for every factory machine my company builds included a 3-ring binder of the entire system documentation as well as a print out of the schematics. Go ahead and try to convince a factory owner that paid us a quarter of a million not to include a 2 dollar manual.

    Also I will sometimes print out complicated schematics and let my intern mark it up with pen. Sometimes you catch mistakes by changing your perspective.

  • Ok business idea

    You buy the printer. The printer is made out of wood and metal. If you hit it with a hammer your hammer will break. It communicates only over Ethernet. Uses the default driver of the most popular desktop OSes. If you call support a surly man yells at you and tells you that this isn’t fucking EAgames, you buy it you own it our business is concluded. You put whatever ink you want in it via a syringe. Your grandkids can inherit it when you die and it will still work. When it breaks you get out a screwdriver and pliers to fix it. The manual warning for electrical shock hazard is “if you are too dumb to fix it you deserve getting electrocuted. Please hire someone who can be trust with scissors to open this”.

  • I ended up losing a friend because of reddit. They found it and just morphed from cheerful to always in a bad mood. Occasionally picking arguments with me from stuff they had seen on that site. At one point I just told them to stop going there, that they were becoming a nasty person because of it. She said she did but I didn’t believe her.

    Early march 2020 I am dealing with the lockdown and watching my entire life deathspiral. My toddler won’t wear a mask, her older sister is crying because she misses her friends at school, I have no idea if I will have a job next week, and my wife is a nurse going into NYC hospital every day. All this going on and my friend sends me an email demanding I get her pictures of the corona beer public burnings going on. That she knows for a fact are happening because she read it on reddit.

    I called her and I won’t repeat what I said because I am highly confident it would get me in trouble with LEOs. Not a “hey I know you have small children and your wife works in a hospital in the hardest hit city in the US, are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?”. No, just an email trying to make fun of the people in my country.

  • I am never going to give up my boring 2008 Honda civic. I will just repair it until I die. Cars sucked when I was a kid and they suck now. The only things that changed

    • The radio is a distracting touchscreen
    • The keys are confusing
    • They catch on fire from battery problems
    • The extended warranty is getting more extended and non-optional
    • You can’t just buy 3rd party parts or fix it yourself or bring it to the mechanic of your choice.

    The future of cars is the apple model. Except generally speaking apple products work. It would be one thing if they were putting out cars that had triple the fuel efficiency.

  • I had a Twitter account for about a week that I posted with, after that I made a new one and never posted. The most toxic disgusting social media site I have ever been on. The one and only good thing about it was how the local governments where I lived used to make all announcements with it. I plan to bring my kids to the reading event at the library, better check Twitter. Oh it got moved an hour later. Also the local mass transit system used it.

  • You have a point but inefficiency in a system doesn’t mean the people who use it should be punished. I agree that the cost has gotten out of control and a large part of it is the dirty money river for construction. I have been involved in government contracts off and on for 15 years now and yes it is a shit show. I am proud to say that I have done my part to make it a bit better but that part is small.

    Put it another way. I am fairly confident that the giant corp I work for made some infrastructure for your city or town if you live in the Anglosphere. I am also fairly confident that it was a far from perfect project in terms of who got paid for very little to no work or even negative work. Should you be punished for that? Should you have dirty sewage and trash in your streets and stop lights out because someone in the process skimmed some off the top?