• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not God’s gift to the field, but I am clearly better than most of my competition - that is, practitioners who haven’t put in the reps to build their own C libraries in a cave with scraps, but can read textbooks and use libraries written by elite institutions.

    I agree not reading isn’t a virtue, but after reading something that caused my eyes to roll entirely out of my skull, I had to choose to cut the damage to my optic nerves.

    Maybe the rest was good. That was bad. My critique is constrained to that specific, nauseating paragraph.

  • I generally agree.

    That being said… All of the analysis, all of the sound arguments… They’ve already been made 1000 times.

    This is different in the sense that it provides no explanation. Face. Word.

    It’s not anti republican. It doesn’t induce shame in a reader simply for identifying as Republican.

    There might be a subset of disillusioned republicans for whom this actually is actually a persuasive approach.

    Edit: And I actually applaud whatever nerd realized that all the nerd talk has been had and was brave enough to try something else.

  • I think pretty much everyone views their political ideology as “the one that stands for freedom”, and it just comes down to what it means to be “free”, and the follow up of free from what.

    I feel like libertarians would love the concept of FOSS and decentralization, and I don’t think anyone would argue they skew left.

    So, I disagree that FOSS is inherently left wing. I think it’s attractive to the left wing for many good reasons. I think people project their own politics onto whatever they love, and things can be loved by very different groups for different reasons.