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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023

  • For whatever it’s worth, I’ve been playing a lot for ~8 years on various iPhones and I very rarely have this problem. It only happens in pretty extreme circumstances: in the shower if water splashes on the screen and I don’t dry it off, if I’ve been dremeling metal that day (even invisible amounts of metal dust on the screen totally screw up the sensitivity), or I’m very drunk and too lazy to zoom in for important stuff.

    Maybe you know why these things are happening to you (bumpy car rides? playing in the pool?, shaky hands?), if so disregard me. If not, it’s odd that this is happening to you so often.

    Edit: now that I think about it, the attack button disappearing after the enemy is dead does piss me off. I’ll got tap-tap-tap-tap to kill them and then it runs me somewhere weird in the bottom right corner. I tend to avoid the button entirely or zoom out so the attack button is above an unexplored area if I’m farming.

  • Sorry to repost my reply from another thread, I hate to spam up the post but I feel like every American should know about the Minstrel Show

    It wasn’t just a form of comedy, it was an entire entertainment industry all on its own, like movie theaters or concerts today. It eventually got replaced by/morphed into Vaudeville (still with blackface/black clowns) which was then replaced by cinema.

    For a good 50-100 years, a major form of entertainment (not just in the South btw) was pretty much just: “haha black people are such stupid clowns! Look, that one thinks he’s fancy! That one’s a no-good drunk! Oh look, that one’s trying to give a speech!” It was pretty formulaic with standard props, just like you’d expect to see at a clown show. So fried chicken and watermelon were standard props like “tiny car full of clowns”, oversized shoes, a flower pot for a hat, a flower that squirts water, etc. For that reason they carry a very unpleasant legacy that reminds people of an insult to injury that still hasn’t been made right, in my opinion.

    The format was pretty similar to the show Hee-Haw actually, kind of a fun variety show, just wildly racist and it’s obviously pretty fucked up to pick on literal slaves. Real bitch move there.

    So people who know something about history are pretty salty about that and forms of the Minstrel Show were still happening here and there recently enough that people alive today remember seeing them.

    Irish people caught some shit, but not like that. I’m not sure if Irish-American racism like that happened recently enough that living people remember it, or that it was ever to the extent that it formed an entire entertainment industry.

  • I agree with everything you said but I’d also like to point out that it wasn’t just a form of comedy, it was an entire entertainment industry all on its own, like movie theaters or concerts today. It was called the Minstrel Show

    It eventually got replaced by/morphed into Vaudeville which was then replaced by cinema.

    For a good 50-100 years, a major form of entertainment (not just in the South btw) was pretty much just: “haha black people are such stupid clowns! Look, that one thinks he’s fancy! That one’s a no-good drunk! Oh look, that one’s trying to give a speech!” It was pretty formulaic with standard props, just like you’d expect to see at a clown show. So fried chicken and watermelon were standard props like “tiny car full of clowns”, oversized shoes, a flower pot for a hat, a flower that squirts water, etc. For that reason they carry a very unpleasant legacy that reminds people of an insult to injury that still hasn’t been made right, in my opinion.

    The format was pretty similar to the show Hee-Haw actually, kind of a fun variety show, just wildly racist and it’s obviously pretty fucked up to pick on literal slaves. Real bitch move there.

    So people who know something about history are pretty salty about that and forms of the Minstrel Show were still happening here and there recently enough that people alive today remember seeing them.

    Irish people caught some shit, but not like that. I’m not sure if Irish-American racism like that happened recently enough that living people remember it, or that it was ever to the extent that it formed an entire entertainment industry.

  • I agree, I pretty much won’t do “Contact Us for Pricing” unless it’s construction work or something, but man, have you seen the Uhaul moving box in person?
    It’s a wooden pallet with wobbly plywood walls and a tarp on it. It looks like something you’d see in a homeless camp.
    I’d do it again but damn, the price definitely matches the quality.

  • “I would actually like more people to be ready to go “burn things down”, literally is optional, figuratively is a must.”

    That’s one thing we agree on for sure! The way things are trending is not sustainable and people will only put up with so much, so things will have to change at some point.

    Thanks for letting me vent haha. I hope you get your own money pit and plant some nice trees in the yard someday.

  • “Loan interest payments are absolutely not something that should be covered by rent - you just take someone’s labor and to pay for something in order for you to eventually own it.”

    Where will the money come from then? I’m not rich, I can’t afford to lose money every month renting out a place for less than it costs me. I also can’t afford to sell it. The concept sounds great to me though, I shouldn’t have to pay any interest just for a place to live. Hell, I shouldn’t have to pay anything at all. Help me go burn down the mortgage company and tax office and then I can let people live there for free if I have to leave town for a few years. Everyone wins. Except the people with money to lend of course, so you’ll need to have cash to buy a house, which means only the rich will have houses.

    “Wait, why would people buy houses with 30y loans just to rent them?”
    Because you didn’t buy it to rent it, you bought it to live in, but your situation changed. You need to move for work or family and that move may be temporary. You can’t sell your house without taking a massive loss and anyway, you’ll probably just get laid off again in the city you moved to to find work. Or maybe the aging parent you left to care for finally died and you want to come home, maybe you took a 2 year gig in another country to try and make more money. Maybe you dream of coming home to retire there after you spent all your good years working somewhere shitty.
    The alternative is to sell your house and buy another one in the new place which can be financially disastrous (ask me how I fucking know) or sell and rent, knowing that you might well never be able to afford another house due to interest rates rising.
    I’m not selling my only home and taking a massive financial loss to help reduce housing prices by 0.00001%. Fuck that.
    For the record I’ve never rented my house out because I dislike the idea of renters as much as I dislike landlords. But in retrospect, I wish I had done exactly what we’re talking about in this thread because then I could at least go home, even if the renters trashed the place, at least I’d have a place. Now I can’t go home, I’m just trapped in this new place.
    Some people on Lemmy seem to be under the impression that everyone who “owns” a home is a French Duke lounging around in Ibiza eating soft cheeses and drinking fine wine with your rent money. It’s weird and I don’t understand it because if you’ve ever tried to buy a house and used the “what will my monthly payment be” calculator, then you would know that being a landlord is not profitable unless you have a lot of cash, a lot of houses and/or decades of time.

  • WelcomeBear@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhat a benevolent lord!
    4 months ago

    Taxes, maintenance, a management company but probably most of all the interest on the insanely large loan you took out to get it. We “bought” a house with a 30 year loan and if we were to rent it out right now at market rate, there would be no profit. We would probably take a small loss other than the opportunity to hold the property hoping that the price of housing continues to rise. It hasn’t risen since we bought the house a couple of years ago. If you’re old enough to remember 2008, then you also know that it doesn’t always go up. Sometimes it goes down pretty dramatically and you’re left holding the bag.

    If the house sits empty between tenants, those costs don’t go away. So for me, in my one bathroom house, that would be $2,400 a month (not including maintenance.) Where is that money gonna come from? I don’t have it because I’m paying rent somewhere else to try and make more money to dig my way out of this hole in this hypothetical situation.

    So why not sell? To sell it, we have to pay 6% to real estate agents. If we actually owned the house, not just a massive soul-crushing loan, fine. But we don’t. So that 6% is a SHITLOAD of money when you borrowed all of it besides the 15% down payment that was two people’s life savings plus begging for more from relatives. So selling means half your combined life savings and the money you begged from relatives, poof gone.

    Most people have a mortgage like this and amortized interest rates mean that in the beginning, 90% of the money you give the mortgage company goes straight to interest because you pay off 30 year’s worth of interest up front so that they’re sure they get their profit (and because paying the full 5% interest on a note that big every year would be impossible for most people.)

    People who bought recently, have a mortgage and a single home that they rent out are not making any profit in areas with expensive housing. It’s not like houses are cheap to “buy” in the first place. They get you good.

    Why buy at all then? Because I don’t like landlords telling me what I can and can’t do. So much so that I gambled it all on “buying” a place.

  • You’ll be fine. The average Texan isn’t even aware of this stupid shit and the cities you listed are way more left-leaning than a small town in whatever state you’re from.

    This is a few hundred idiots in a state with a population of 30 million people. I saw more people at Costco yesterday.

    Some articles have misrepresented it as 1,000 people, but that was a concert in Dripping Springs, a small town outside of Austin (not the border) with Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. 1,000 people turning out for a musician with Top 40 hits is actually a very poor turnout for being near a city with 1,000,000 people.

    This is all just media hype. Edit to add: And politician hype. I’m not sure which one I’m angrier at. They both suck for trying to “make fetch happen.”

  • WelcomeBear@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldBacon PSA
    5 months ago

    They’re doing it wrong.
    The secret is cheap bacon.
    So paper-thin that they would be embarrassed to sell it at the regular grocery store. We’re talking Family Dollar, so-thin-it’s-transparent, deceptively packaged bacon.

    CornKing is an example of a pretty thin bacon and it’s available at places like Wal-Mart

    If you don’t want that, then pre-cook the bacon in the microwave or oven on very low heat until it’s basically ham, then use that to wrap with.

  • I’m also surprised by how many black people have bought into this. Primarily because most non-white people should know that if you piss cops off for any reason, right or wrong, you’re gonna have a bad time. They really, really don’t give a shit about your roadside lawyering and some cops will absolutely fuck you up, both physically and legally if they’re in the mood. A little bit of “resisting arrest,” a planted firearm and contraband, you’re going to prison. They won’t even feel bad about it because they’ll justify it as “getting a bad guy off the streets.”