• 162 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • some people have a favorable opinion of Israel in spite of being against their genocide

    So… people like, say… Joe Biden?

    No, not people who are active participants in the genocide who have vowed not to stop no matter what.

    A civilian who still instinctively supports Israel in general can simultaneously oppose the genocide. It’s misguided, but it’s the case of many voters.

    In contrast, a PRESIDENT who sometimes says “hey, please cool it, guys!” but also IS AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN THE GENOCIDE WHO HAS VOWED NOT TO STOP can not in any way be said to be against the genocide that he’s taking part in.

  • Biden, who has expressed opposition

    Wagging his finger once in a while when an especially horrific atrocity becomes public does nothing when he’s simultaneously sending them the weapons used to commit the atrocities and saying that he’ll be on their side no matter what.

    the ongoing operations

    Holy minimizing language, Batman! Committing genocide and other crimes against humanity on a daily basis is not your standard “operations”. Implying as much makes you sound like you’re in favor of it or at the very least don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as it is.

    [Biden] is also anti-genocide

    Nope. He’s literally an active participant in the genocide who has vowed not to stop.

    You’ll have to forgive me for not finding that a very ‘anti-genocide’ or ‘changing what we’re currently doing’ stance.

    Sure, I’ll forgive you for being as dense as a neutron star if you stop demonstrating over and over that you’re suffering from a very severe case of the Dunning Kruger effect.

  • You literally JUST admitted that most Americans would not be in favor of suspending aid to Israel.

    Which is a separate question, especially to the ones who mistakenly think that Israel isn’t to blame for the genocide or that they’re not the only ones perpetuating it.

    Are you even trying?

    To get through your thick skull that some people have a favorable opinion of Israel in spite of being against their genocide? Yeah. That it’s not working is entirely due to your seemingly willful resistance to simple logic.

    The fuck do you think a Trump victory is

    An unmitigated disaster. One that the person you were addressing didn’t advocate for at any point of this conversation.

  • If ending genocide was actually a choice on the ballot instead of two ghouls who both support genocide, I bet most would vote to end genocide.

    Thinking most people would be against genocide is spreading misinformation?

    No contradiction there. The former is a statement of well-documented fact and the latter is an incredulous reaction to your bizarre claim

    Of course, the fact that you explicitly advocate for voting for a genocide of American minorities

    The FUCK are you babbling about??

  • do you prefer a level headed voice trying to minimize palestinian casualties, or would you prefer Israel get the all-clear to steamroll Gaza indiscriminately, likely annexing it wholesale? Very clear choices.

    Would greatly prefer the former, but unfortunately no such candidate was on the stage.

    There was one guy lying about whether Israel wants to end the genocide while sidestepping the fact that he’s the one supplying the weapons and political cover.

    And then there was the guy telling the truth for the first time in years by pointing out that Israel very much DO want to keep the hostilities going…and then bemoaning that the other war criminal on the stage wasn’t being gleefully bloodthirsty in public about it.

    Definitely the stupidest timeline 🤦

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    toPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    19 hours ago

    Dems lose when they move to the left

    That’s just not true. The last time Dems ran from the left was Obama’s first campaign where he ran on hope and progressive change. He won that election in a landslide with high voter participation.

    Then he governed as a moderate and won reelection by a much narrower margin and with much lower voter participation to a corporate raider and animal abuser turned centrist Republican incarnate.

    Then they insisted on Hillary, who, in spite of the “map room” you keep babbling about to salvage your busted hypothesis, ran to the right of most Democrats, which in combination with her Pied Piper strategy resulted in extremely low voter turnout and the worst entity to ever run for the office coming within cheating distance of the white house.

    because left voters don’t show up

    That’s just not true. Remember Hillary’s PUMA? They retconned it into “people united means action” when they made it into a corporation, but the original words behind the acronym was “party unity my ass”

    A much higher percentage of PUMAs and other Hillary 08 primary voters voted for McCain or not at all than Bernie voters for the Mango Mussolini or not at all.

    twisting and backflipping that into me being a centrist

    Well if it walks like a centrist and spews condescending lies about the left like a centrist… 🤷

    I’m criticizing and you are the one categorizing me as a centrist because of that

    Yeah, you’re unfairly criticizing the left for not showing up to vote. Which is a common centrist smear job when their corporatist candidates fail or almost fail to win.

    I’ll chalk that one to projection.

    You know that words have meanings, right? 🙄

    Least awful choice?

    Yes, Biden is awful but much less awful than Trump. Shouldn’t be so hard to understand.

    What I’ve said repeatedly is that if you want things to move left, if you want policy to move left, if you want the Overton window to move left, then you vote for Dems.

    Which is what centrists who haven’t heard about or deny the ratchet effect keep claiming. It’s not true, though.

    Dem leadership fights the left MUCH harder than they ever fight the fascists on the other side of the aisle. A good example is how the Hillary-endorsed establishment favorite beat Jamaal Bowman with money from AIPAC and crypto scammers, outspending him 7/1 in the most expensive primary this election cycle.

    Funny how you think I’m centrist when I keep telling people how to move left

    With the exception of Obama’s first campaign (but none of his time in office), Dems have kept following as the GOP move further right ever since they learned the wrong lessons from Carter losing to a well-funded and charismatic demagogue.

    So yeah, pretending that you move left by voting for Dems IS a very centrist kind of bullshit claim. One the ultraincrementalist corporatist Dem leadership itself loves repeating.

    This isn’t about least awful, it’s about moving things left (over multiple elections).

    As I’ve explained above, neither of that is actually true. It’s just comforting lies that center right to right wing Democrats use to fool people into voting for them rather than the people whose policies they agree with.

    Dude you said it yourself with charisma. Charisma for everyone to fall in love with.

    If it was all about charisma, Biden wouldn’t have won. Meanwhile, the utterly repulsive Trump has a perverse kind of “strong man charisma” that makes fascists and stupid people fall in love with him.

    Maybe not you, but you see it and want it for all those logical voters

    Nah, tbh I’d much rather have boring politicians with great policy positions than people like Obama who seem cool but self-identify as moderate Republicans. There’s far too much demagoguery in politics.

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    toPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    20 hours ago

    Nah, I’ve never missed an opportunity to vote.

    Pretty sad state of affairs that you think it’s a binary of either no criticism of whatever corporatist is selected for you or ignoring that they’re the least awful choice 🙄

    As for “Dems fall in love, Republicans fall in line”, it’s the opposite now: Republicans worship Trump and most of the people voting for Biden have no love for him but fall in line to avoid Trump.