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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I don’t think it’s possible for them to do so, because that would means killing the gaming aspect of Windows. GPU on cloud is stupidly overpriced and expensive, just look at Standard_NV6 for an example, it easily cost $10,000/yr according to this (Just look for anything that have “N” in it’s name for GPU enabled VM and they are all expensive.)

    If they try to ban everyone from being allowed to use their own computer hardware, I really doubt people would stay on Windows, they most likely would be in the 5 stages of griefs and then contemplate on switching to either Linux or Mac OSX.

  • Few things:

    1. Federated Protocol essentially offers something similar to Peer-To-Peer communication like Bit Torrent, only that it’s a server-to-server communication protocol. You could GDPR the Lemmy servers that are within the EU jurisdiction, but good luck enforcing that outside of EU.
    2. Anything you post in public is PUBLIC, this should be obvious and I honestly advise not to put your real name out there if you’re not going to be responsible with your posting or behavior.
    3. Services like Internet Archive exists, so your stuff are going to be saved forever whether you like to or not.

    If you’re not comfortable with the non-compliance of GDPR on Lemmy Server, then I can suggest two things:

    1. Detach your real life identity from Lemmy and assume everything you do with that service/website is public.
    2. Find other platform that respects GDPR.