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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I would disagree that it’s pointless to focus on gun violence. While I do agree that in most circumstance focusing on the tool to create a solution is misguided, I do not agree that focusing on guns in this case is arbitrary. Nearly all other tools have multiple purposes to which they are designed where violence is not an intended use.

    Guns on the other hand are created to do only one thing; kill. You can use them in other ways, but their purposes is singular; to end the life of another living thing. Even as a tool of self-defense or as the Second Amendment intended, the intent is the death or threat of death of the opposition.

    While I do believe that removing guns would massively decrease violence, as proven by literally every other country that has done so, I am also not opposed to personal gun ownership. I just think it should be well regulated. I do think focusing gun violence is worthwhile, while also agreeing that it won’t completely address the issue of general violence in the country (there’s no silver bullet here, pun intended).

    But we shouldn’t stop there and fly a ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner. As you implied, there is a deeper rooted issue that’s responsible for the rise in violence; it’s American prosperity. We have 24/7 news feeds blasting hatred-addicting messages to distract from corpos and billionaires are sucking up every last cent from the American public. Prices across the board are going up while everyone’s pay is staying the same or going down. The prosperity is dying. People are justifiably angry. Anger leads to violence. Violent people who feel they have no path back to prosperity pick up guns.

  • By agreeing to take in a cat, you are obligated to maintaining its wellbeing for its entire lifetime. This includes access to healthy food, clean water, clean litter, hiding spaces, enrichment (toys, play, companionship, etc) and ensuring it is spayed/neutered, has its shots up to date, and has (at least) an annual checkup with the vet.

    Pets are not toys. They are not trophies. Pets are living, thinking, and feeling companions. Do not get one if you cannot handle those basic responsibilities.

    With that out of the way, the Litter-Robot (from litter-robot.com) is a pretty good automatic litter box. They’re a heavy up-front investment, but I feel it’s worth it. They work with most litter brands so you don’t have to buy special litter through them (although they do sell it). They don’t work with cats under 5lbs, so it’s not suitable for very small/light breeds or kittens. It’s large enough for average size Maine Coons, but that’s about as big of a cat that it’ll work with. You can get a refurb through them for a discount if the price for new is too steep. It does take up a large amount of space compared to a normal litter box, so it may not be good for very small living areas.