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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • High altitude northern California. It’s snow and ice during the winter, high and dry desert during the summer and alternates during the spring and fall. This May it went from 80 degree weather to freezing at night in the space of two days and then back again in the same span. Also, my yard is subsoil fill, I’ve been gardening for years and my garden bed soil is only just getting to marginal.

  • There’s been research that language shapes how we perceive the world around us. Because there was no word for “blue” there was no concept of blue, the color still existed but their brains just lumped it into “green”. Sight works by the visual centers brain taking data from the eyes, throwing most of it out, then building a model which is what the rest of the brain gets to actually “see”. That’s why optical illusions work.

    A commonly cited source for language shaping our perception of color is Jules Davidoff’s studies on the Himba tribe. The Himba have no word for blue, and they struggled to pick out the blue square from this color wheel. However, they do have many distinctions for shades of green so when given this color wheel they could easily pick out the square that’s a different shade of green (and yes I opened it in MSpaint to check and one of the green squares is a different shade.)

  • I can see! Man could you imagine spending a full twenty hours a week socializing with your peers, traveling, or (*gasp*) even exercising!? Why, I’d barely be able to hold it together for my daily hour long “Business meal”!

    God knows I’d never be able to soldier through like Musk, constantly promising things like “Mars colony in two years” every year (among other things)while still having the time to spend hours posting “!!” “Concerning” or “XD XD XD” until 3 am on Twitter. Why I probably wouldn’t even have the time to signal boost white supremacists and post dog whistles about we need more babies to stave off “the great replacement”.