• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m not disagreeing with you but I think what we see is a minority of people with the protests. It seems like there is not really much political will to change anything from the half of the country with a penis, and the older females.

    The whole thing is pretty sad but from my understanding when things like this happen they generally blame the west and the majority go along with it.

    Honestly as a westerner Iran is pretty irrelevant to my life. It’s not like we can invade them or force them to overthrow the government and if we did people would never shut up about it.

    Look at Afghanistan the USA spent so much money trying to spread liberal democratic ideas, integrate and educate women but as soon as we left they went back to how it always was. There is no civil war, the majority just consented to the Taliban rule.

    1. honestly I kind of used reddit for my own stuff I ignored most of it. Nnn was where tga went after they got banned it was less fun to read so I didn’t keep up. TGA was just so insane even the .win for them and 8koon seem tame with less insane rambling. The main draw to reddit was insane rambling for me. And tech/obscure drug communities(and even those attracted bitching about culture war near the end of my time) or went totally private. I’m (gasp) pro-modernia vaccine; The only one that worked as advertised… The nnn people (and everyone else) dragged covid on so much longer than needed. It should of never even gotten to the point it was a pandemic or endemic. It’s fucking sars not some magic new thing. The media reporting didn’t help. The whole situation is/was a mess…

    2. beep bop be nice 😂🙂😂 pretty sure you are a red blooded American. You actually responded to mod actions and don’t just end up posting porn or whatever to try to get banned… On that I’m hyped to not be a mod starting Friday when I hand things over to the community… Being a mod sucks when I just want to lurk or argue with schizo’s not over politics. Everyone reports such trivial stuff.

    3. I will say we really need term limits almost all the elected officials are really old. Like an issue both sides agree with outside the elected officials who have no will to do it. Like drain the swamp but don’t refill it with geriatric cronies. And the court system should be apolitical but I guess everyone conveniently forgot that.

    In my idealized world both(actually like 3-6) parties would be able to discuss stuff and competently address issues not argue over made up problems to throw red meat to the base.(looking at you both major parties). Like congress trying to learn how the internet works is always an endless source of entertainment.

    Well this has been a manifesto work is over I’m going to go make dinner.

    1. I don’t really know I miss reddit when it wasn’t filled with policies and weird flame wars. I mostly went on reddit to read crazy people like the gangstalking reddit or weird obscure drug communities, or the qtards in tga before they got banned for posting Csam(to save the children…) and NCD after the war started… Isn’t spez a libertarian who lives in a missile silo?(living the dream…) Really don’t have much to say on reddit politics outside of it’s annoying and unavoidable. I never even had a verified reddit account I only used the account for lurking private communities.

    2. example of a troll and probably not a real person would be theblackconservitive user on this server. People like that are annoying as hell. I’m pretty sure he’s not American black or a conservative and never voted for Trump. Just here to sow division as part of some fun global psyop. Pretty sure you are a real person with original thoughts etc…

    3. I used to primary with the Republicans up until trump steered the party off a cliff. Before that I was a pretty solid libertarian or Republican voter in general elections. Usually picked the “best person” like Gary Johnson in 2016… But being constantly called a far leftists when I have any bad think made me decide not to associate with the authoritarian party… Honestly the whole field of them currently are bootlickers and grifters it would be interesting(funny) if I didn’t have to live here and it didn’t directly impact my life. I don’t really hold any party in high regard currently… if anything the last few years helped me find solidarity with anti authoritarian people both left and right, people generally have the same end goals and argue over the starting line. The Koch brothers really did a number to the gold and black…

    Remember “take the guns first due process later” = strong on protecting gun rights 😂. The double think is weird and I’m sure I also do it like every human.

    1. yeah your like an actual human worth engagement with. Like I’m sure in real life we would actually get along pretty well. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    1. thanks I read it wrong I guess.
    2. I think part of this is the right gravitated to echo chambers. Like truth and parlor or the .win sites. Honestly most the things from the “right”(I guess?) Seem like trolls and I’m pretty sure most the accounts are you excluded. Or weird reactionarys probably the most annoying political group… I wish the right would just disown them like the qtards they are pretty annoying and dumb.
    3. it’s more like you make any statement related or not and get a “what about hunters laptop” on an unrelated topic about Killary from 8 years ago. I’m sure you know the feeling from your side/types of conversations. Everything is oppressing or censoring me when I say insane off topic rage bait things etc. I could find examples but mostly it just results in someone spamming reports in the community I moderate if I push back at all. It’s annoying and unproductive not a way to build bridges or win hearts and minds.
    4. no comment on that one see number 3 😊.

    Anyways hope you are having a good day. I was just confused on the EH being more federated statement and trying to sort of stand up for you. Echo chamber = bad.