• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You don’t come across as ignorant, no worries. It’s mostly just nomenclature.

    “Black Churches” are simply churches (usually, but not exclusively Baptist) that are located in or near, or cater to Black communities. There’s usually a Black pastor. I’ve never really thought about why this is a thing until reading your comment, but my guess is it stems from the post-slavery and post-equal rights movement era thing. The federal, state and local governments put forth a lot of policies that are in retrospect kinda shitty to Black people. I imagine this led Black Americans to form congregations that they wouldn’t be quietly pushed away from, and feel overall more comfortable in.

    In modern America, they are just labeled that. There are no restrictions or rules against who can go to the church. I am a white, non-religious audio engineer, who works Sunday mornings doing sound at a “Black Church”. I’d say about 10-15% of the members at this church are white or non-Black. The church is located within a section of town that has a more diverse population than other areas. The pastor and his family that run the church are very nice, and very welcoming of all the patrons. They’ve always been very nice to me, even knowing that I don’t follow the religion.

  • I’ll be real I didn’t know they paid better than others. But what does the number look like? Are they taking ten percent? Twenty? Or is it more like they pay out what’s equivalent to like one percent? If the numbers aren’t largely in the artist’s favor, it’s still exploitation and not ok.

    Also don’t tell me I can’t hate them for any reason. Without researching I am VERY confident they are exploiting artists. It’s what companies like this do to artists.

  • The LOWER the impedance, the louder the headphones. The lower impedance models (in my opinion, I haven’t read Beyer’s copy) are made with studio work in mind, for example listening to tracks as you are playing and recording drums, which are quite loud. For simple listening, the 250ohm pair of DT700 (for example) would be great. I own a pair. They are plenty loud and sound great.

    I am an audio engineer with 20+ years experience.

  • I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying. I think officials are throwing games. For example, the NFL is a “sports entertainment league”. They LOVE getting the third team involved when a game isn’t going their way.

    Sure my example is niche, and only looking at one part of the problem, but isn’t that what we are talking about, players gambling? And I think athletes gambling on games (any games) in general is an issue, but I don’t believe a league has a right to say “you can’t gamble on anything, ever”.

    I understand your point about who fans focus on also. I make this same argument all the time when someone says “athlete X makes too much money”. The league as an entity will always push blame to the players, the same way any business will throw an employee under the bus. That’s just normal capitalist power dynamics.

    Ultimately there’s no perfect solution while betting exists. The only real actionable steps a league can take is to say that a player can’t bet within their league, and I really see nothing wrong with that.