• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You’re right, there are people out there that literally say don’t vote and try to convince other people not to vote. But I think most of us are reasonable enough to understand that it really doesn’t matter if you vote, so it also doesn’t matter if you convince someone not to vote. We’re not going to vote because we think there’s no utility in it. That is that.

    But the liberals are in a political game, and they need as many players as possible, and they call themselves lefties, and so they go to the lefties and say, hey, we’re on the same side, right? And we’re like, no, fuck you, go away. And they’re like, aw, please? And we’re like, no, you basically side with fascists, go away. And then they get all pissed off of with us, then they claim that we side with fascists, and it’s all a big clusterfuck.

    That’s the perspective I have now that I switched from being one of those liberals to being a leftist.

  • You used an operative word there, “never”.

    I don’t know your relationship with your dad, your socioeconomic status, your age, your ability to change people’s minds. Etc. But if you really think that the answer is “never”, then you have a decision to make. Whether your dad is worth maintaining a relationship with or not. Would you still spend time with your dad if you never talked politics again?

    If you’re young, your dad might not have a kind of respect for your ideas compared to if you were older. That’s just how it is with parents, that will come with time. Maybe you can convince him of these ideas in 10 years, when you’re older, he’s older, and the world has gone even more to shit, And maybe he sees the systemic problems behind it.

    If you’re wealthy, your dad probably has the same mentality that most people who are wealthy have, which is that they deserve everything that they have, and fuck everybody else. I don’t really know how to change those people’s minds.

    If you guys are not well off, then you can try to leverage regular socioeconomic talking points. Getting him to understand that the system is rigged and that kind of stuff.

    It’s important to spend our time in places that matter the most. Maybe your dad will never understand. Accept it and spend your time on other people you might know.

  • It is kind of fascinating to me that yes, the clean energy websites tend to be synophobic as well. But at least they will factually admit that China is ahead of the West in so many ways.

    The first reason it’s fascinating is that the people on these sites still can’t get over their synophobia, even though time and time again China seems to be doing the right thing. It just confuses and bewilders them, and instead of sitting down and really reconciling with that, they just repeat phobic nonsense.

    The second reason it fascinates me is that these are the scientific resources that liberals are supposed to be pointing to to determine where clean energy and the right decisions are being made. And when you point them at these resources they kind of still deny it, like they will say sure China’s ahead, but at what cost, or sure China’s ahead, but they’re still in the authoritarian state. Or China’s only ahead in these ways, but not those ways. Of which they are wrong to say that, but at least this one particular source might not point that out. It’s denialism at its most fascinating.

    I’m sure to a lot of people on here thinks this is obvious, and not really comment worthy, but being a communist for about a year I’m still wrapping my head around a lot of the hypocrisy of the West.

  • God damn, Thank you for putting that boneheaded lib in this place.

    Western libs are all confidence and no intelligence. We are the most propagandized people on the planet, and most people are so uncomfortable with the word “propaganda” that they refuse to even acknowledge its existence.

    At the beginning of this conflict, I was a western ib all the same and though I didn’t speak about it online, I supported Ukraine. It took a lot of keeping my mouth shut and listening, and learning history, and just not being so over confident, to finally come to the understanding that the West is causing this problem, not trying to solve it.

    Lame.ee is the fucking worst.

    Thank you for being willing to speak out and being the voice of reason.

  • jokes aside I really honestly want to use this. For a while I’ve been trying to use extra context to get American AIs to understand and be more pro communist and they are just fucking trained to hate it.

    To be fair they usually end up becoming neutral, but they don’t speak in a pro communist lens like I’m trying to get them to.

    Super duper wish we in U$A get to use this.

  • I’m so glad I found Lemmygrad because that post and the shit being said over there is just too much for me to fucking handle.

    Wow, you take a couple steps away from social media. And then occasionally peel back the curtain to see what you left behind. And you don’t regret leaving one bit.

    I genuinely can’t tell if Reddit and Dot World are just a bunch of fucking teenagers who have never experienced any arguments in life whatsoever, or if they’re all just mentally deranged.