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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Every year or two I give Windows a genuine try for around a month. WSL2 is actually pretty decent, it’s a massive improvement on the Windows development experience I had back in 2015 when I tried running Windows full time doing Python/Ruby/Java development. Required cygwin, git bash, power shell, and cmd depending on what I was doing. It was a special kind of nightmare. Lots of native gems couldn’t compile, lots of tooling issues, etc.

    Now you can use exclusively Windows terminal, keep essentially all your development stuff in a Linux subsystem, and pretend you’re in Linux. Integration with things like vscode or intellij is quite decent with the WSL.

    That said, I hate Microsoft, hate the lack of customization, hate the default UI, hate the split between Windows 95-style settings and new Windows 10+, it’s inconsistent as hell. Moving windows across monitors with different scaling still resizes the windows in a very archaic way. You can’t reasonably use multiple desktops because you can’t easily rebind keys to swap desktops without third party software. I’ve changed DEs in Linux for smaller issues than these.

  • Yeah for both Ubuntu and Arch on two separate computers in my house, the process was just install the distro then install steam + Lutris (steam for steam games, Lutris for every other kind of game like League or WoW).

    Installing steam games is identical in Linux and Windows for the vast majority of games. Installing non-steam games is arguably easier since you never have to go to a web browser.

    Honestly the only reason Windows is “easier” is because it’s preinstalled on computers. As someone who has fresh installed Linux and Windows, Linux is miles easier to install. To install Windows 11 I tried following their recommendations (enabling TPM and secure boot in bios), but the W11 installer still didn’t like my 2 year old computer, so had to open up the command prompt, regedit, and add 3 Bypass registry DWord 32 bit values. Then actually installing the O.S you just sit there and wait with an unusable computer. Linux installations have nice GUIs that are far more modern, don’t require weird terminal hacks, and you have a usable computer while it’s installing (you can open up Firefox and browse the web for example).


  • That’s the idea, but in practice since the data exists independently on each server, it takes network time and computational time for them to align. In practice I expect comments to function as you expect, and upvotes to be slightly off depending on which instance you’re viewing from.

    Things get a bit more weird when an instance gets defederated from another instance. My understanding here is that if you have instance A defederate from instance B, but instance B was listening to some of instance A’s communities, that instance B will have an independent replica of that community that doesn’t sync (this happened when beehaw defederated from open registration instances like lemmy.world).

  • “from a private third party” where? A (non-foolish) socialist would advocate for rules against renting people, just like we’re not allowed to buy people right now.

    That would mean there would be no private third parties that are renting out factories of rented workers.

    If what you’re saying is “from a private third party outside the socialist space”, then that’s a problem for all kinds of socialist spaces. We can’t control productive forces outside of the space we have domain over.

  • It sounds like the market socialists you’ve been talking to haven’t been socialists if they’re in favor of private property, that’s strictly a capitalist position. They’re probably just welfare capitalists.

    An actual market socialist is against private entities owning the means of production, they’re owned communally by some mechanism (be it some democratically run cooperative, the state, etc .) It wouldn’t be a group of stakeholders that are a separate, private entity disconnected from the workers (though the state arguably is an entity like that, and that’s where the line between state socialism and state capitalism gets blurry).

  • I’m a huge anti-capitalist/socialist, and often times I find it useful to use this mix-up of markets and capitalism in my favor.

    When people say “but we need capitalism because the alternative to markets is so bad” I say plainly that I’m not advocating against markets, I’m advocating against classes. The vast majority of self-described capitalists aren’t trying to defend massive corporations or employer exploitation, they’re defending markets.

    If all those pro market capitalists became market socialists, dismantling capitalism would be far easier, then we could have much more interesting discussions about the merits of markets and when to use them versus centralized planning, without a leech class exploiting wage slaves or scalping houses.