MasterOBee Master/King

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The combat is fairly challenging - it’s easy for one or two bad moves (or bad luck) to kill your whole party in a battle. It also takes a bit to learn the combat system if you haven’t played D&D.

    I’ve always been interested in D&D, but no never played it.

    You end up with 4 different characters with different strengths and weaknesses and each with a bunch of different abilities that have different rules for when and how often you can use them.

    I have played quite a few games with the party system, so I have so previous knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of party members, which may help. Thanks for the info!

  • You let the

    I didn’t do shit, man.

    here needs to be consequences for that type of predatory lending

    Sure, maybe. How does paying off $1.6T in student loans, a hand out to the highest earners of our generation, fix the ‘predatory lending’? It doesn’t. It encourages it. It tells banks "keep doing your sketchy shit, if it gets too much for the country, the government will just pay it all back to you!’

    small fines being dished out in comparison making people like you think 1.6T is so massive we cant do shit.

    People like me? Once again - tell me how giving $1.6T to the most educated, highest earning highest educated portion of our generation is going to fix predatory school loans. If you don’t even attempt to answer that in your next comment, I don’t care to respond. All you’re trying to do is trash me, when I agree with you - predatory school loans are an issue. Instead of trying to fix the issue, you want a handout to help yourself, and let the next generation of students get dicked. That’s not a solution, that’s kicking the can down the road.

    a for-profit organization

    Although I’m iffy on the FR in general, it is part of the government. I’m not sure where you’re getting that it’s for profit?

    have printed and injected about 17T into the banks for relief sense 2017

    In relief? You mean printed that much money to hand out in loans? I just think fundamentally you don’t understand how the FR interacts with banks.

    someone to be able to donate time and money to charities or other similar types of organizations in their community.

    Please provide evidence of student loan relief leading towards increased monetary donations and time donations.

    . Your answer of just ignoring

    Where did I say this was my answer? I just noted that what you and your buddies think is a ‘glaringly obvious’ solution - isn’t a solution at all.

    Once again, I don’t care to respond unless you answer one simple question: if the solution is so glaringly obvious, how does paying the loans of the highest education, highest earning and most capable portion of our population fix the predatory nature of student loans, the high interest rates and increasing cost of tuition?

  • I agree, the interest rates are crazy, and people should be informed about it, but you’re just saying what the problem is. Not how to fix it.

    What you claim is a ‘glaringly obvious’ solution to this doesn’t solve what you’re talking about. It doesn’t solve the predatory nature of loans, or the government pushing of student loans either, which increases tuition costs. Your solution does nothing except give middle/upper-middle educated people $1.6T

    So, good, we agree on one of the problems, tell me how your ‘glaringly obvious’ solution of student loan forgiveness solves that problem.

  • but the glaringly obvious solution of forgiving that debt

    Just because that’s what you want doesn’t make it ‘glaringly obvious.’

    Those with student loan debt are middle or middle upper class white folk. The cost of forgiving student debt would be 1.6T

    Are you going to go into your city and yell out ‘we need to give $1.6T to middle and upper class, university educated people, and we need to do it NOW!’? How is that a ‘glaringly obvious’ solution?

    How does this remove the core issues of the student debt crisis: that it doesn’t reduce the cost of college, and may even increase it due to moral hazard? How is student debt forgiveness ‘glaringly obvious’ when it doesn’t address that at all?

    How does it reduce the amount that future students are going to take out to get an education? How is student debt forgiveness a ‘glaringly obvious’ solution to this?

    Just because you and likely your ~30 YO educated peers have an issue doesn’t mean the whole nation just needs to write a blank check when the demographic you’re talking about giving $1.6T to are the highest earners in your generation?

    It’s not that the solution is ‘glaringly obvious’ - and everyone who doesn’t support it are just stuck in the far right, it’s because there are legitimate problems with your ‘glaringly obvious’ solution.

  • Well for example the right to get the medical care you need.

    “Need” - define need? Is a sex change for a 13 year old a necessity? If a girl wants boob implants at age 13, that’s not necessary.

    The right to take a goddamn piss in a public toilet.

    You forcing anybody into a specific restroom despite protests from the majority doesn’t make you right. Women should use the women’s restroom, guys should use the guys restroom. I have advocated for penis room vs vagina room, though.

    The right to participate in society as you are

    No, you want it as they ‘identify.’ Just because someone thinks they are something else, doesn’t mean they are that thing. I used to be called ‘doggy boy’ because I liked digging holes. I wasn’t literally a dog.

    rather than a how some fascist demagogue has determined you should be.

    Fascist demagogue = nature? I get you may have an issue with mother nature, but that’s your fight, don’t force everyone to abide by your unpopular view of the world.

  • Maybe work on your reading comprehension and come back to me whenever you don’t find me advocating for cOmMuNisM.

    Marxism put into a political system has always been a form of communism. If you aren’t arguing for that, why are you responding to a post and a comment about communism?

    I was merely mocking your naive worship of a broken and failed system.

    Because I acknowledge that capitalism isn’t perfect, but it’s by far the best political system that’s taken more out of poverty than any other economic system doesn’t mean I have naive worship. Also, it’s not a broken and failed system. You want to see a broken and failed system? See every single communist country that’s ever existed.

    Maybe one day you will wake you up when they automate your very useful 1-2 hours a day position.

    That won’t make me communist. And my field is one of the few that are still hiring at a good pace, most tech companies are in a stand still and laying people off. My field has been steady for the last 100 years at least.

    Regardless, I’m selling my work for a fair rate, and that’s what capitalism is. If you are willingly working somewhere at an agreed upon price, thank capitalism.