• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • So manning got sentenced to 35 years under Obama (pardoned after 7 served also by Obama… thanks Obama…)

    Assange was effectively imprisoned all this time and his official sentence is apparently going to be 5 years counting time served already so the feds get a “W” and now he can leave London finally

    I wonder how much time the people on video murdering Reuters reporters got… oh, zero. The only real response from Obama’s DoD was “🤷 looks legal, bub 🤷 what can we do? 🤷” The same shit they’ve always said. Same shit they run now to cover for Israeli war crimes. They literally justified the killing of the reporters by saying they were embedded with militants… simply because the “militants” had AKs. People in a non-US country had weapons, reporters were there for whatever reason, US kills all of them, and post-death just calls them all terrorists. Reuters took it too. They ate shit and never openly called out the DoD.

    Guess it’s just important to remember with all the recent insanity from Israel and US protecting the IOF, this is really just the same shit they always do

    Dogshit country where no good deed ever goes unpunished

  • Seems like shit!

    I like what the ublock origin creators/devs have to say about ads/adblocking

    It is important to note that using a blocker is NOT theft. Do not fall for this creepy idea. The ultimate logical consequence of blocking = theft is the criminalization of the inalienable right to privacy.

    Ads, “unintrusive” or not, are just the visible portion of the privacy-invading means entering your browser when you visit most sites. uBO’s primary goal is to help users neutralize these privacy-invading methodsin a way that welcomes those users who do not wish to use more technical means.

    From their Github

  • Alternatively,

    Material conditions are still too good in the US for the type of extremism you write about to manifest (yet). People who are getting fucked over but not starving won’t be murdering anyone anytime soon.

    However, the trend is clear, your observation is correct about where capitalists would like to take things. This will worsen conditions and push more and more people towards extremism… which is where it is up to “us” to push people leftward and point their anger where it belongs, towards capitalists/capitalism.

    As I find myself repeating a lot, things just simply aren’t bad enough yet across the board in the US to see the unrest which is required for actual change. It’s going to get worse, worse probably than any of us can imagine right now, before it starts to get any better. If you can see the inevitable future coming then you can see things like this court case being another domino in a line of them that is still fuzzy. It won’t change anything on its own, but all these small events will eventually add up to something big. We just aren’t there yet, and that’s probably good in some ways because there is effectively no leftist movement of any sort in the US. Like the fact that these cases get decided in the obviously far right way, and that we expect it, shows that the left is totally annihilated in the US. Absolutely no power currently. Just gotta work on changing that however we can. It’s very bleak.

  • If the UAW does this, I wonder what the insane overreaction will be from DC

    Beyond forcing capitalists to share a few more crumbs of their stolen profits, unions and student led organizations have been the sort of the tip of the spear in past socialist revolutions. Surely this is not a secret to those in Washington and elsewhere. This has to be scaring the shit out of the more historically literate ones.

    A lot of westerners, Americans especially, always ask “yeah but can I do?!” This is what you can do. Unionize your workplace or help unionize others. Push for (or be!) radical leadership that seeks to squeeze the owners for every cent they can get. Push the union to take up issues like divestment from Israel. This is how political change that actually matters happened in the past and it can happen again. Workers hold the power, ultimately. Capitalists and their subservient politicians want you to forget that or give up.

  • Very weird to celebrate

    I’m no fan of current Iranian governance, or even Hamas. I understand why they exist, but I wouldn’t choose to live under their governments. That doesn’t mean I want their leaders dying since I can see their importance to resisting US imperialism.

    I would say this is like disagreeing with how China has developed since their revolution. Am I a huge fan of all of it? Of course not. That doesn’t mean I would celebrate Xi dying or China dissolving it’s communist party. Not to compare them to Iran too much, obviously very different things, but western “leftists” (they’re liberals really most of the time) see them as “bad guys” with zero nuance or perspective. Important perspective such as no matter how authoritarian Iran is or brutal to its citizens (and i have no doubt that many stories have core truths to them. The stories we read about life there) will ever compare to the brutality the US empire has unleashed on places like Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Iran (hmm), entirety of South America, Mexico, etc. basically the entire globe. So, are they bad in some ways? Undoubtedly. But the bigger bad, that they resist, is the US military and empire. And this can’t be forgotten. You don’t have to praise Iran’s government in order to see that it is the lesser evil compared to the US and also it only exists because of the US and now Israeli interference in the region.

  • Jackson Hinkledink is not on “the left.” He’s the only dipshit along with just open white nationalists, fascists, Nazis etc. like Tucker who “support” Putin

    Supporting immediate ceasefire and peace, even if it means redrawing lines on a map, is not “supporting” Putin no matter how many times the warmonger neolibs at MSNBC and CNN scream about it.

    If your interests align with the military industrial complex, Fox News, CNN, and the status quo politicians who are all center right wing, you should either accept what you are (the fact you seem hostile to leftists/communists is a GIANT red flag on that front. Anti-communism is just Nazism) or, I dunno, analyze your thoughts and figure out why you think endless death and destruction is necessary to prevent lines from changing. Who told you those lines were important and why do they/you believe that?

  • If you want to use this tired and boring trope then at least set it up properly

    One track is full of millions of people and the other is full of the same.

    One track is painted with happy colors and rainbows and one track is painted with skulls and imperial eagles

    You’re getting the exact same death and destruction no matter what, but one track is less openly an asshole about it.

    If you saw what Biden and his cronies just did to college students for opposing 7 months of ongoing US-funded genocide in the last month or so and still somehow think he’s a lesser evil… I don’t think you understand words. Or you just don’t care. If you don’t value the lives of Palestinians, Yemenis, Iranians, Russians, Ukrainians, whoever, just say it, let everyone know you’re a POS, and move on. Stop coping. Accept what you support and stop hiding behind false thought experiments and shit

    Stop yelling at those seeking to better things and yell at the people who told you to hate those who seek better things.

  • I don’t know how to not fedpost on this topic, but it’s very clear what the fascistic politicians and those too cowardly to stop them are doing.

    Pointing out hypocrisy is good rhetorically, but its downside is those with power simply ignore it. They’re not going to stop unless…[insert fedposting]…

    Can’t even really type further. [federal sad noises] Greenblat [more federal noises]

  • Something which never sinks in with liberals (because it might bust their brains, I dunno) is “terrorist” just means “doesn’t align with state interests.” I would also add “and usually non-state actors” but Bibi has been calling Iran a “terror state” so I guess we’re scrapping the state actor part and just going with “they do things opposed to us dominating everything- that’s terrorism!” 2003 all over again.

    I have noticed libs jumping over “unpatriotic” as was the claim in 2003ish towards anti war protesters and landing directly on calling them pro-Hamas and pro-terrorist which is just a zero-mask call for state violence on protestors (and they got their wish). I don’t think the more soft-hearted, mostly “well-meaning” liberals have let it sink in yet that if you call someone terrorist you aren’t only being hyperbolic and stupid, you are saying “this person is an enemy of the state and appropriate force must be used to eliminate them… immediately.” That’s just what it means, I’m sorry. They are quite literally saying “kill this guy!” Why? “For being an anti-genocide terrorist!”

  • Well if you want real depression spiral shit, just look at how much Cuba has accomplished as a tiny island nation under constant embargo from the US basically since day 1 post-revolution. Now imagine if that attitude had been extended and embraced by, well, the US, Canada… the entire world. Imagine if instead of giving into squealing hogs for 80 years humanity had united after the war and every place on earth worked together towards common goals of uplifting humanity.

    Something that legitimately makes me sad, and it’s really hard to talk about without feeling sentimental, is seeing and hearing dreams and visions that Soviets had maybe 50 years ago. Their propaganda wasn’t about, I dunno, a Coke in every hand to wash down a burger in every land. It was about getting to space, working together across all nations, doing the things that could have been achieved after 1945 had only the United States rejected imperialism and embraced the Soviets.

    One of the saddest and simultaneously most angering things I can imagine is being a kid born in Russia or Cuba in like 1970. Born into this world of positive dreams of the future where the US finally got over itself and joined everyone else. And you’re a young 20 something year old in early 1990s. The USSR is dismantled, the US and capitalism declare final victory over communism, and all your dreams and all the dreams of your nation go poof into nothing. The next several years are just a spiral… I can see why so many Russians took their own lives after that. Just utter destruction of humanity all to get that Coke in more hands. So pointless.

    The world has squandered 30 years now in pure stagnation and waste. Arguably longer, but at least when the west had to compete with Soviets they did innovate more. Couldn’t let those backwater commies make the “good whites” look bad or whatever.

    I do find it remarkable too how many people see the time period after the war until 1991 and then from 1991-today and think “oh, the last 30 years were good for the west!” Living standards getting progressively shittier, innovation into meaningful life-improving tech is crawling (the internet and techs from it are largely from the 1970s/80s and then innovations upon that basic computer technology). We don’t make new shit that we need. We just found ways to distract ourselves better from the suffering of those who create commodities for us or harvest the raw resources. If I were designing a pure dystopian future that breeds nihilism and apathy and a desire to feel anything at any cost, I can’t imagine a better end result than the US in 2024.

    It’s incredibly depressing that any thoughts I once had in my 20s of seeing a better world in my life have now turned to “well, the best I can do is push things a small amount for future generations.” Not that that’s bad, but on a personal level, well, who doesn’t want to live the gay space communism dream…? In other ways though, it does sort of strengthen the resolve when you know it’s not happening in your lifetime. There’s nothing to lose in that way. It’s not like radical actions will prevent good things, your life is already doomed to meaninglessness under capitalism, so all you have to lose is a better future for your kids or other kids around the world. And if that’s what you truly do want, and not purely for selfish desires, well, in a way you’re already unshackled.

    Not sure how I got off on that, but, whatever. Clicking post anyway