• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I really don’t think Gaza will be a defining issue in the 2024 election. It’s already fallen out of the news cycle and Gaza city will be under full occupation by next Nov.

    Trump, however, will be in the middle of taking a huge beating by all his court cases. There’s zero chance he ever gets more support than what he had last election. The best thing we can hope for is that the GOP puts him up for another election.

    Both parties have the same issue right now. Both candidates don’t have great appeal. But there aren’t any Democrats that have an issue voting for Biden. He’s been fine as president. We don’t have to worry about him going off half cocked all the time. The party will fall behind him. The same can’t be said for Trump.

  • Sugar is only part of it. Corn and wheat based products are just as bad.

    The truth has to do with food availability as well, not just what it’s made of.

    Food availability has increased in the US over the past 50+ years, to where we have over 4000 calories per person a day now. Easy access to unhealthy food is a major contributor to our obesity. People don’t even understand what a healthy diet looks like and have a very poor grasp on how much to eat. We just eat until we’re stuffed and then wonder why we’re fat.

    It’s especially tough as people age. I’ve been tracking my diet for 180+ days, eating under 1800 calories a day, and I still struggle with losing weight. Without a lot of effort towards eating the right amount and the right foods, people get fat.

  • It’s more complex than that.

    The way the US is spread out makes public transit prohibitively expensive and difficult to achieve proper coverage. To make it effective, you would have to shift the entire way we live. Our entire society is built off the concept that everyone has a car.

    Add to the fact that building transit is extra expensive in the US and you arrive at the reality that we will NEVER have a working transit system. That’s why the shift to small cars is needed. We don’t have any more room for roads, so we need more cars to fit in the roads we have

  • There isn’t an easy statement that explains why things are getting worse.

    The housing market, for instance, was being affected by low interest rates. Low rates make being a slum lord more profitable than other forms of investment. This caused a massive amount of investment in the housing market by rich people and corporations, and normal people were priced out.

    The banks that failed did so because they either invested in dumb things (crypto) or in long-term bonds. Those bonds lose value as interest rates rise, and SVB invested far too much into them.

    There’s all kinds of reasons