Raspberry pi4 Docker:- gluetun(qBit, prowlarr, flaresolverr), tailscale(jellyfin, jellyseerr, mealie), rad/read/sonarr, pi-hole, unbound, portainer, watchtower.

Raspberry pi3 Docker:- pi-hole, unbound, portainer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Hehe, I see what you did there.

    MLK on climate change (probably):

    […]that [humanities] great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the [oil company] or the [billionaire] but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises [climate aware] to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’

  • Currently going through the Ender quintet, and the Expeditionary Force.

    I’m on book four of the Ender series, the first two were as good as I remember. 3 an 4 have taken some work. Can’t recommend buying them though as OSC is a… just the opposite of the message of the books.

    Expeditionary Force is as samey as I remember. I read them as audiobooks at work so the pulp is quite welcome. Also, I’m on book 9 (not back to back reads), so while it’s formulaic I guess I’m not too bored of jerking in the shower jokes. I’d recommend the first one, but not as a series.

    My last “work read” was the murder bot series, I binged my way through those, pretty good

  • Favourite game - 1, it was the first one I played and the one I’m most familiar with.

    Least is 3, it was the first game I encountered with day 1 dlc, so didn’t get any. Last ME game I bought too, Jokes on me I guess because I got the remaster instead.

    I enjoyed KOTOR/II before it and I was hoping for more of the same, more HK-47 really. No HK but the play is familiar: go to a planet do some quests, X person wants to talk and on to the next.

    Femshep is the only shep for me.

  • Personally running an Argon Neo on the pi 4, zero complaints. Flirc is better looking by half (imho), but the Neo out performs it thermally (with the cover off, at least the articles I read claimed as much when I was looking).

    I’m running it as a pihole/jellyfin&servarr passively cooled with zero problems.

    Edit, one complaint: I sometimes regret not setting up NVME support, instead I have the OS on a USB SSD. That, a USB HDD, an ethernet cable, and USB keyboard mouse makes the IO a little crowded.

  • I guessed it was a “once bitten twice shy” kind of thing. This is all a hobby to me so the cost-benefit, I think, is vastly different, nothing on my setup is critical. Keeping all those records and up to date on what version everything is on, and when updates are available and what those updates do and… sound like a whole lot of effort when currently my efforts can be better spent in other areas.

    In my arrogance I just installed Watchtower, and accepted it can all come crashing down. When that happens I’ll probably realise it’s not so much effort after all.

    That said I’m currently learning, so if something is going to be breaking my stuff, it’s probably going to be me and not an update. Not to discredit your comment, it was informative and useful.

  • Fedegenerate@lemmynsfw.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldWhat's the deal with Docker?
    4 months ago

    When I asked this question

    So there are many reasons, and this is something I nowadays almost always do. But keep in mind that some of us have used Docker for our applications at work for over half a decade now. Some of these points might be relevant to you, others might seem or be unimportant.

    • The first and most important thing you gain is a declarative way to describe the environment (OS, dependencies, environment variables, configuration).
    • Then there is the packaging format. Containers are a way to package an application with its dependencies, and distribute it easily through the docker hub (or other registries). Redeploying is a matter of running a script and specifying the image and the tag (never use latest) of the image. You will never ask yourself again “What did I need to do to install this again? Run some random install.sh script off a github URL?”.
    • Networking with docker is a bit hit and miss, but the big thing about it is that you can have whatever software running on any port inside the container, and expose it on another port on the host. Eg two apps run on port :8080 natively, and one of them will fail to start due to the port being taken. You can keep them running on their preferred ports, but expose one on 18080 and another on 19080 instead.
    • You keep your host simple and empty of installed software and packages. Less of a problem with apps that come packaged as native executables, but there are languages out there which will require you to install a runtime to be able to start the app. Think .NET, Java but there is also Python out there which requires you to install it on the host and have the versions be compatible (there are virtual environments for that but im going into too much detail already).

    I am also new to self hosting, check my bio and post history for a giggle at how new I am, but I have taken advantage of all these points. I do use “latest” though, looking forward to seeing how that burns me later on.

    But to add one more:- my system is robust, in that I can really break my containers (and I do), and to recover is a couple clicks in Portainer. Then I can try again, no harm done.