AssortedBiscuits [they/them]

mfw you still use Windows in 2023 2024

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2022


  • Nah, this is just some spoiled brat. IME, the closer they are to having a peasant background, the more they put their trust in Xi and the CPC. It also helps that Chinese tourists can see the dilapidated shithole that is US infrastructure with their own eyes. Plus, China is at the forefront of technology at this point. Their consumer products are beating the US. In Blackshirts and Reds, Parenti mentioned how those Westophile liberals were suckered in by cheap high-quality consumer goods from the West. In the 60s, this was true, but now? Chinese liberals can buy cheap shit made in China and shipped to the US or they can buy high quality products made in China for the Chinese domestic population. At a certain point, it’s just pure ideology. Even those loser HK protestors have conceded that the Mainland has better infrastructure and living standards by malding “uh aktually, since Hong Kong no longer has freedomTM or democracyTM, we might as well go to the Mainland where the trains are newer” lmao

  • Insisting that Alexei should be killed is cringe since he was already dying and wouldn’t have made it past the harsh Russia winter anyways. And he wasn’t so important that his death had to be bumped up several months. The dude would’ve just died from bumping his head too hard or stubbing his toe.

    As for the rest, meh. Most overthrows of a feudal dynasty are violent and even if we pretend the Bolsheviks were just supporters of a new feudal dynasty, they didn’t treat the Romanovs any different from how a victorious feudal dynasty treated a defeated feudal dynasty. The Romanovs, as a feudal imperial family, understood this. The founder of the Romanov dynasty basically ordered a three-year old pretender to be hung among other things. And now that the shoe’s on the other foot, they want to be treated like citizens of a liberal democracy. Nicholas could’ve done the actual feudal way of abdicating by gouging his eyes out and joining a monastery where he could spend the rest of his days as a blind monk like so many feudal pretenders to the throne, but he didn’t do that, so he simply paid the price of a feudal sovereign who refused to abdicate for real.

  • It also fundamentally misunderstands why Linux has such low adoption rates at the desktop. It has much more to do with Windows being ubiquitous in desktop enterprise environments than Linux. MacOS is by all accounts even more intuitive and easier to understand than Windows with a greater selection of native programs than Linux on top of having billions of dollars at their disposal for advertisement, but you’re not exactly seeing MacOS hit >60% of desktops.

    Overall, for a thread that’s supposed to help a newbie, this thread has a surprising amount of bad info. From saying Debian doesn’t come with sudo (completely untrue, the Debian installer has an option of adding the user to sudo when most distro installers just add the user to sudo automatically) to saying installing MacOS programs is simply clicking on an icon (not really true either since the only time you’re clicking on shit to install things on MacOS instead of using the store is if you’re installing third-party software, in which case you have to dig through menus).

  • I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that?

    Because the majority of Ledditors are either liberals or full blown reactionaries and the ones who are not range from some cringey techno-libertarian who think FOSS will usher in socialism to some radlib cruise-missile socialist who strangely never deviates from the US state department. The very few who could legitimately be considered socialists are some kind of anarchist. They certainly aren’t Marxist.

    Are there any good leftist instances?

    Outside of those two, I won’t hold my breath. The easiest litmus test in the world is how they’re responding to the genocide at Gaza. There’s very few places where you’ll get complete support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and not whining about the imaginary babies Hamas allegedly beheaded or trying to equate the conduct of a genocidal nuclear power to a paramilitary fighting for national liberation.

  • Japanese fascists were a far bigger threat to the Soviet Union than the Nazis during the 1930s. Japan already sacked Nanjing. In one city, the Japanese fascists butchered the same amount of people as the Francoists did for the entire civil war. This is how brutal the Japanese fascists were relative to the Francoists. And unlike the Francoists, the Empire of Japan actually tried to invade the Soviet Union but got owned before venturing too far. Why should the Soviet Union send those 400+ tanks to Republican Spain without expecting something in return? If anything, the Soviet Union shouldn’t have wasted material with a lost cause that is Republican Spain and shipped those tanks to the Republic of China instead where they wouldn’t be squandered. One tank to Spain is one less tank to China. Frankly, Stalin bet on the wrong horse.

  • You can lie to yourselves all you want. Anarchists remember the backstabbing very well and the real reason why they couldn;t fight back efficiently. I’m not here to discuss with tankies though. Plenty has been written about this stalinist revisionism already.

    My dude, the vast majority of Republican tanks were provided by the Soviet Union. Let’s take a look at the Wikipedia article about tanks in the Spanish Civil War shall we:

    Locally produced tanks: 24-32

    Soviet tanks: 331

    French/Polish tanks: 64

    Paraguayan tanks: 1

    So out of the 420-428 tanks deployed by the Republicans, more than 75% came from the Soviet Union. This is not “backstabbing.” If the Republicans didn’t want the Soviet Union to “interfere” with their civil war, they could have fun with their 89 tanks versus the Francoists’ 280 tanks. Yes, when you accept material aid from another country, that country has a say in the trajectory of your political project. That’s literally how all aid works. The Soviet Union was not a charity. If the Republicans did not want the Soviet Union to interfere with their political project, they could’ve just rejected the material aid. But to accept the substantial material aid and then cry about Soviet interference is called being ungracious. It’s called biting the hand that feeds you.

  • People are really taking his comment about Islam being a driving force in the Palestinian national liberation struggle to mean the main driving force or even worse, the only driving force are not reading the comment correctly. Every single national liberation struggle has an ideological component which drives the struggle alongside material conditions. Even something like “restoring our once glorious empire,” which various factions of the Chinese national liberation struggle embraced, counts as ideology. The material component of the Palestinian national liberation struggle should be a given and frankly deserves little mention for how obvious it is. The Palestinians are blowing up tanks and merking IOF goons because Palestinians don’t want to be ethnically cleansed. There, that’s your material analysis. It doesn’t need to be longer than a sentence. It’s the ideological motivation that’s far more interesting and that actually warrants paragraphs to outline, which Hakim did. The material motivations are obvious to all, even to people who refuse to accept Marxism, while the ideological motivations aren’t as obvious to an Anglophonic audience that isn’t predominately Muslim.

    As for the recommendation of the Quran, well no shit, it turns out the Islamic Resistance Movement uses the Quran as its foundational text, and it would behoove anyone attempting to make a critical analysis of a political group or movement to read that groups’ foundational text. Imagine someone criticizing an ML party or even Marxism-Leninism in general without ever reading State and Revolution or criticizing Marxism without reading any text by Marx a la Jordan Peterson. The gigachad who planted the warhead on the tank did it while reciting a Quranic verse. I would think that it should inspire people to actually read the Quran to understand why he would recite it instead of going, “opium of the masses” like some Reddit atheist. And you can’t just wave around “material conditions” as if that would automatically lead people to perform acts of great courage. Material conditions might provide the clay, but it’s ideology that molds the clay.

    At the end of the day, the community note isn’t an all-encompassing analysis. It’s, as Hakim himself stated, merely providing context to the Palestinians’ ideology (political Islam) for people who might not have pick up on it because they aren’t Muslim (his audience).