• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • No clue. I have been focused on California since 2016. In my experience it is easier to enact local change, to influence state level changes, and later federal changes. I’m not really focusing on anything but my local city council meetings, and the various elections, especially judges, city council, and school board. Other than that I pay attention to my representatives / assemblymen, and senators at both the state and federal level. I do pay some attention to the presidential race, but as a leftist I have to hold my nose and vote for the milquetoast democratic candidate every single time for the last 5 presidential elections, and probably the 6th time in my life in November. Not one presidential candidate that I voted for in the primaries has ever gotten the nomination.

    The case in question, namely Grant’s Pass vs Johnson, originated in an Oregon town. Another blue state.

    TBH I wouldn’t be at all surprised if most of these recent laws come from Washington, California, and Oregon. They have the worst homelessness problems, and that’s partially due to the fact that all three states have historically had robust social safety nets, so it was safer to be homeless on the west coast.

  • Not so certain about that last point about troops being put in harm’s way. The war in Ukraine has shown just how effective drone strikes are, and nothing has been able to consistently shoot down our fighter and reconnaissance aircraft. The F-15 is 108-0. Not sure what the stats on the 22 and 35 are, but those probably go down due to pilot error more often than anything else.

    My point is that I’m pretty certain that we would have been fielding these tactics before Russia popped off and invaded Ukraine, and may have been successful enough to dissuade Putin, though that seems extremely unlikely.

    There is a reason a Russian/Soviet warship showed up during Operation Praying Mantis, to “take pictures for history.” They were also seeing just how good our shit was, since no one had seen us in battle for long enough at that point that we had totally upgraded to a new generation of equipment.

  • Seriously. Like I would absolutely love to see some sort of statistical analysis that proves that some specific field or fields of work are predominantly staffed by “black” people. Just because I have heard conservatives and liberals refer to certain jobs as black or brown people jobs, and I’m totally sick of that shit.

    The real issue there is trying to define black people other than actual skin tone. Far too many people want definitions that are based on nebulous data, such as the person’s genetic bloodline, or the region their ancestors were from.

    Far as I can tell, as a white person that damn near glows in the dark, your skin color is only partially tied to who your parents were. You might be the statistical outlier because of your genes.

    Also skin color only seems to be indicative of how quickly, and how badly you’ll get a sunburn. White people are straight up allergic to the sun, unless we get a “sunburn” while fucked up on hallucinogens.

  • In many states we did. He took more of Virgina and West Virginia than Hillary did, and their delegates still voted for Hilary at the DNC national convention. This happened in a ton of states before California, the only state that the DNC electors “officially” gave to Bernie, even had their primary. It was so bad that almost 50% of the lifelong Californian Democrats left the party for NPP registration, which is better in California, in my opinion, since No Party Preference allows one to vote in all the primaries, as well as the general.

    That bullshit “vote” was, and probably still is, rigged. They won’t let us vote for AOC if she ever runs for president. We need to destroy every political party and force candidates to run on policy and ideals.

    Washington understood that direct democratic communism was the best method of choosing leaders, and laws, well before either concept was even available.