Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.worldtoBooks@lemmy.worldMy reading progress so far this year
    7 hours ago

    He’s mine (all ebooks, so no pictures)

    • The Cloud Roads, Wells
    • Passage, Willis
    • Gods of Risk, Corey
    • Sundiver, Brin
    • Transition State, Leckie
    • The Serpent Sea, Wells
    • Abaddon’s Gate, Corey
    • Hominids, Sawyer
    • The Time Ships, Baxter
    • Beggars in Spain, Kress
    • Humans, Sawyer
    • Blindsight, Watts
    • Startide Rising, Brin
    • The Churn, Corey
    • Leech, Ennes
    • The Siren Depths, Wells
    • Starter Villain, Scalzi
    • The Host, Meyer
    • Provenance, Leckie
    • Nona the Ninth, Muir
    • Perdido Street Station, Meiville
    • The Watchmen, Moore
    • How to live safely in a science fictional universe, Yu
    • The City & The City, Mieville
    • The Sirens of Titan, Vonnegut
    • Neptune’s Brood, Stross
    • The Scar, Meiville
    • The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, Chambers
    • Children of Time, Tchaikovsky
    • Rule 34, Stross
    • Consider Phlebas, Banks
    • The Fifth Season, Jemison
    • Never Let Me Go, Ishiguro
    • Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory, Wells
    • The Saint of Bright Doors, CHANDRASEKERA
    • The Player of Games, Banks
    • Children of Ruin, Tchaikovsky
    • The Edge of Worlds, Wells
    • 17776, Bois
    • Echopraxia, Watts

    Some of those are novellas, but some of them are really long, so probably balances out. When I’m not working and my chores are done, I’m usually reading.

  • There isn’t one type. There are the ones like Bezos and Dell, who got rich by growing one or more businesses, and are still at it. They likely don’t work normal hours, but they likely work more than 40. Some of those, like Gates, get older and move on to other things like foundation work, but not an actual job. Hard to say what kind of hours they work. Then there are the ones like Christy Walton, who inherited their wealth and don’t really ever work.