• 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • That’s the problem. That’s been the problem. Personally I do like Biden and what he’s done but he’s clearly too old. Even back in November when they started more actively campaigning, it already seemed too late to find someone else. Now it’s 7 months later

    The only other candidate that has successfully raised his stature is Newsom, but if the internet is representative, the entire middle of the country is reflexively anti-California (plus he was campaigning for 2028)

  • AA5B@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldHoly voting choices!
    2 hours ago
    1. During Biden’s first term, we’ve made several of the biggest steps toward addressing climate change, ever
    2. Biden has made huge steps, despite congressional opposition, in making education and healthcare more affordable
    3. The real estate and rental prices are local, and some of us live where our local politicians are at least trying

  • She is shit because she was given the platform of VP with the sole job of developing name recognition as the next candidate, yet many of us have a worse opinion of her than we started with

    I know VPs should generally be silently partners but this is the one time we needed one who succeeded at any initiative

  • It’s the fish argument all over again. Some vegetarians reason they can eat fish because fish has simple enough nervous system that it can be aware of its suffering. Sure it reacts to pain, but is it aware?

    Similarly, grass may react to damage, but have such simple systems that you can’t even call it pain, much less that they have any awareness of pain

  • Even more exciting than watching a pro soccer team beat whoever they’re playing is watching my kid beat whoever they’re playing.

    Even more exciting than watching pro hockey is watching my college team beat whoever they’re at laying, despite never having a personal connection.

    And yes, the medias attempts to highlight specific athletes around Olympic times and make us feel a personal connection used to work, until they overdid it. Now it’s just ads

  • These stories are so crazy to me …… sometimes it seems looks I got a better secular education from my religion school in the 1970s, with nuns. For many years the science teacher was the only lay teacher, never mentioned religion and we were certainly never fed any of that creationist crap from anyone.

    It was not a Jesuit school but they really left a great impression of the long history Jesuit pursuit of knowledge and science