Since oldest living memory, the dungeon gate has stood at the heart of the town of Reddit.

One day, the gates were sealed forever, and adventurers deserted the town. Lost adventurers found a safe heaven in Lemmy, a nearby village. But evil was still aboud!

“spez the Moderator” awaits you on level 42…

Jokes aside, this is already a niche community on Reddit, so it’s unlikely there will be a lot of activity here, but posts of any kind are welcome, if you’re like me and enjoy coming back to that franchise every once in a while :D

Posts may about any of the four games, the only requirement is of course that they are related to the game one way or another. Meta posts, about sales, events, possible sequels, or NPC relationships (wink) are also encouraged.

Thanks, and happy dungeon delving!

    • Deregon@jlai.luOPM
      8 months ago

      Welcome to the community !

      As I stated in the post above, the original or any of the three sequels is allowed. The community is not big enough to start splitting over each game :D

      EDIT: updated the sub description for clarification

      • tnn (FX)
        8 months ago

        i assume it’s the video games then. sorry i didn’t understood well with your original post.