having to sort out an administrative clusterfuck this week, thank you government

  • LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.org
    8 days ago

    Going pretty well so far! A friend reached out this morning to see if I would be interested in receiving some plants from her (yes) so in the near future I’ll get to go hang out with an amazing person, and will get to grow some new plants with which I have no experience.

    And I’m giving an introductory talk about biochar at my town library this evening, which will hopefully be a bunch of fun for everyone. I couldn’t come up with as many biochar puns as I did for my compost presentation, so I’m leaning on memeing for levity:

    I have no idea how attendees will react to these, as most of them are retirees.

    Our solo duckling is still solo, which is concerning at this stage. That said, there has been a lot of co-nesting and additional shuffling of eggs between hens which likely impacted incubation. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for more chances to shove pictures of ducklings in y’all’s feeds

    Have a great week everybody!