The navigation buttons on the post screen work for the most part but I have a minor complaint. If I click the down arrow to move to the next top-level comment, it’ll jump to the post before that comment. Now, most of the time this isn’t really an issue because it puts the next top-level comment more in the middle of the screen (the last comment from the previous thread is visible above it). However, if that last previous comment is a giant rambling mess that takes up more than a screen’s worth of text then the next top-level comment (which I was trying to move to) isn’t visible at all.

I don’t know if this is an off-by-one defect or if you were intentionally trying to put the next top-level comment closer to the middle of the screen, but I’d rather jump to having that next top-level comment at the top of the screen so i don’t need to see the last comment of the previous thread at all. Does that make since? Did I explain it clearly?